Free Mixer Mixera; Free Mixer Mixerb; Mixer: Gyro - Multiplex ROYALevo 7 Manuel D'utilisation

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ROYAL evo 7

Free mixer MixerA

This mixer mixes one control function (transmitter con-
trol) into one or more servos carrying out the same task.
The zero point of many control functions (transmitter
controls) is in the centre; in the case of others it is at one
end of the transmitter control's travel. We have taken
this into account with this mixer. For aileron/roll, eleva-
tor/pitch axis, rudder/yaw, AUX1, AUX2 and collective
pitch the mixer's zero point lies at the centre of the
transmitter control. With the other control functions it is
at one end-point. You should select this mixer when
you need to mix transmitter controls whose neutral
point is not in the centre, e.g. throttle, spoiler, retracts, ...
Travel parameter
At this point you enter the magnitude and direction of
effect of the mixer (in our example: mixed elevator as
compensation when landing gear is extended).
If the neutral position of the mixed transmitter control is
at one of the two end-points, the mixing only occurs in
one direction, starting from the servo's centre setting.
If the neutral position of the transmitter control is in the
centre, mixing occurs in both directions.

Free mixer MixerB

This mixer mixes one control function (transmitter con-
trol) into one or more servos carrying out the same task.
There are two travel settings: one for each side of the
transmitter control.
Example: snap-flaps (elevator
Travel+ , Travel- parameters
At this point you adjust the travels and direction of ef-
fect of the transmitter control to suit the servo travel. In
our example Elevator --> aileron Travel+ produces an
aileron servo movement of 20% when you apply up-
elevator stick (stick back), and 30% when you apply
down-elevator (stick forward).
Both mixers can be switched off using one switch (Mix1
= I, Mix2 = G, Mix3 = L), provided that you assigned a
mixer switch when defining the mixer. In our example
"snap-flaps" this is the mixer switch Mix2 (G>). The ar-
indicates the switch position at which the mixer is
switched off. If an asterisk
ON position, and the mixer is active.
appears, the switch is at its

15.6. Mixer: Gyro

for fixed-wing models and helicopters
The gyro mixer of the ROYALevo7 can be used both
for fixed-wing model aircraft and helicopters, provided
that the gyro you are using features an input for remote
gain adjustment (by radio). The gyro mixer provides
the optimum gain setting to suit each flight situation.
The main menu Mixer is a dynamic menu, i.e. in the
interests of clarity mixers which are not required for the
current model are not displayed on-screen. If the gyro
mixer is to appear in the Mixer main menu, the gyro
function must be assigned to one servo channel in the
menu Servo / Assignment (
The design of the gyro mixer of the ROYALevo is entirely
new. It permits optimum stabilisation of one model axis
both with simple gyros and modern heading-hold gyro
systems, regardless of gyro type and installation. To
achieve this the gyro mixer of the ROYALevo7 offers
several different operating modes. We recommend that
you start with the Control mode, as this gives you a
good chance to become familiar with the basic func-
tions (
The following table shows the basic types together with
the properties of standard commercial gyro systems.
Damping gyro
(standard gyro)
The gyro damps the rota-
tional movement of a
model around the
stabilised axis.
Gyro gain adjustment over
the range 0 ... 100%:
100% (max.)
0% (OFF)
Page 40
Heading-lock gyro
The gyro damps the rota-
tional movement of a model
around the stabilised axis,
and at the same time rotates
it back to the initial heading.
Heading or Damping mode
can be selected via the gain
adjustment function.
Gyro gain adjustment over
the range -100 ... +100%:
Max damping
0% (OFF)
Max. heading


Table des Matières

Table des Matières