For details on how to automatically assign the default
code for EM cards, see section "e) Programming 125
kHz EM cards for regular users". If you have already
changed the PIN code, use the new code.
h) Deleting user PIN codes and EM cards
Start your entry with the * key, followed by
the current master code (in this example,
the factory preset code "123456" is used).
Press the # key to confirm your entry. A
long beep/buzz indicates the switch. The
red LED flashes every 1.5 seconds to in-
dicate that programming mode is enabled.
Start with the number 2. Then enter the
user IDs that you want to delete one by
one (in the example, 5 is used). Press the
# button to confirm the deletion.
You can then delete additional user IDs in
the same way.
Press the * button to exit the delete pro-