g) Changing user PIN codes
Previously assigned/saved user PIN codes can be changed. The
same applies to PIN codes for EM cards. This function does not
require access to programming mode, allowing it to be used by
normal users without the master code.
Reading a card Start your entry with the * key, after which
Start your entry with the * key, followed by
the user ID "2" in the example. After press-
ing the # key, enter the current user PIN
code. Press the # key and enter the new
user PIN code, e.g. "12233456". Repeat the
new code after pressing the # key again to
confirm the change. Exit with the * key.
the keypad is ready to read your card. Hold
your EM card over the
Then use the keypad to enter the cur-
rent user PIN code for the EM card, e.g.
"654321". The user PIN code in the example
is the default code automatically assigned
during setup. After pressing the # key, en-
ter the new user PIN code, e.g. "123456".
Repeat the new code after pressing the #
key again to confirm the change. Exit with
the * key.
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