V750 IE
This manual provides the information required for normal servicing.
This publication is intended for use by Moto Guzzi dealerships and their qualified mechanics; many concepts have
been omitted inasmuch as their inclusion would be superfluous for such an audience. Since complete mechanical
explanations have not been included in this manual, the reader must be familiar with basic notions of mechanics, as
well as with basic repair procedures. Without such familiarity, repairs and checks could be ineffective and even
hazardous. Since the repair and vehicle check instructions are not exhaustive, special care must be taken to avoid
damage and injury. To ensure maximum customer satisfaction with the vehicle, Moto Guzzi spa continuously
improves its products and their documentation. The main technical modifications and changes in repair procedures
are communicated to all Moto Guzzi dealerships and agencies worldwide. Such modifications will be entered in
subsequent editions of the manual. In case of doubt regarding specific repairs or checks, contact the Moto Guzzi
SERVICE DEPARTMENT; we will be pleased to provide all necessary information and assistance as well as
keeping you updated on changes and modifications to the vehicle.
Moto Guzzi s.p.a. reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time, barring any such changes as may alter
the essential features of a product as specified in the relevant manual.
All rights of storage using electronic means, reproduction and total or partial adaptation, whatever the means adopted,
are reserved in all countries.
The mention of third parties' products is only made for information purposes, and constitutes no engagement.
Moto Guzzi spa is not liable in any way for the performance or use of its products.
For more details see (REFERENCE MANUALS)
First edition: May 2004
Designed and printed by:
DECA s.r.l.
via Risorgimento, 23/1 - 48022 Lugo (RA) - Italy
Tel. +39 - 0545 35235
Fax +39 - 0545 32844
E-mail: deca@decaweb.it
On behalf of:
Moto Guzzi s.p.a.
via E.V. Parodi, 57- 23826 Mandello del Lario (Lecco) - Italy
Tel. +39 – (0)341 - 709111
Fax +39 – (0)341 - 709220
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