The flue must be well isolated and circular
if possible. The flue must not have defects,
narrowings or losses. All the inspection
doors must be closed and well sealed. The
The chimney pot must have an exit section
doubled than the one of the chimney, in
order to make easier the exit of the smoke.
The chimney pot must be enough tall to
lean out over the reflow zone generated by
The conjunction of the cooker to the flue
must be as short as possible and must not
have horizontal or not much inclined parts.
The counterslope parts are forbidden and
must be absolutely avoided.
Near the conjunction, inflammable mate-
rials must not be present. The conjunction
ZV Range ,models are endowed with the
standard flue outlet on the top and in the
back, on the right side or on the left side. In
this case, the cooker is delivered with both
the outlets covered. To make the connection
Picture 6 - Cooker with oven multiflue, predisposition of the correct flue outlet
connection of other devices to the same
chimney is not allowed.
the roof: if you are not sure about this con-
tact experienced technicians. If you are in a
windy place, it might be necessary to install
windproof devices.
must not go inside the flue. To increase the
safety of the conjunction, we suggest to in-
stall a washer on the wall being sure that
the connection between the washer and
the chimney is walled and well sealed. Also
the connection between the cooker and the
conjunction must be fixed and sealed.
of the wood fired cooker, it is necessary to
modify one of the outlets removing the cap
of the flue to be used and inserting the en-
trance device , see pictures 6 and 7.
ZV 60