Curd ice cream with honey / Tvarohová zmrzlina s medem
Gelato allo yogurt con miele / Helado de requesón con miel
Gelado de nata com mel / Quark-Honig-Eis
Glace au fromage frais et miel / Lody z twarogu z miodem
Tvarohová zmrzlina s medom
Мороженое из творога с медом
220 g whole fat curd,
130 ml 40% cream, 50 g sour cream,
50 g honey or corn syrup, 50 g sugar,
5 egg yolks
Whip yolks with sugar in hot steam to
a froth. Blend honey, cream and sour
cream and heat the mixture slowly until
the honey is completely dissolved. Pour
the mixture into the yolk froth while
stirring constantly and leave to cool.
Mix cooled yogurt into the cooled
mixture and prepare ice cream
in the ice cream maker.