Tofu ice cream with strawberries
Tofu zmrzlina s jahodami / Gelato al tofu con le fragole
Helado de tofu con fresas / Gelado de tofu com morangos
Tofu-Eis mit Erdbeeren / Glace au tofu et aux fraises
Lody tofu z truskawkami / Tofu zmrzlina s jahodami
Мороженое из тофу с клубникой
250 g white tofu, 150 ml soy milk,
50 g icing sugar, 150 g strawberries,
20 g fi nely grated ginger
Mix all ingredients except for milk in
a processor until smooth, add milk and stir.
Leave the ice cream mixture to cool and
prepare in the ice cream maker.
fresh homemade ice cream