Yogurt ice cream with mango and ginger
Jogurtová zmrzlina s mangem a zázvorem
Yogurt gelato al mango e zenzero
Helado de yogur con mango y jengibre
Gelado de iogurte com manga e gengibre
Joghurt-Eis mit Mango und Ingwer
Glace au yaourt, à la mangue et au gingembre
Lody jogurtowe z mango i imbirem
Jogurtová zmrzlina s mangom a zázvorom
Йогуртовое мороженое с манго и имбирем
1 ripe mango, 300 g cream yogurt (10% fat),
10 g ginger, half vanilla pod, 100 ml 40% cream,
100 g sugar, 100 ml water
Bring water with sugar to boil, fi nely chop ginger,
peel and dice mango and add it to the solution
together with the vanilla pod. Boil slowly for
approx. 15 minutes until the mango and ginger
soften; remove the vanilla pod when done. Leave
the solution to cool, strain and set the syrup aside.
Mix mango and ginger in a processor, add cream,
yogurt and one half of the syrup (approx. 60 ml).
Leave the ice cream mixture to cool and prepare
ice cream in the ice cream maker.