Monosem NG Plus 4 Notice page 8

Table des Matières


serve t e re ulations of t e i
efore startin up and commissionin , ma e sure t at no od is in t e vicinit of t e mac ine and t at t ere is su cient visi ilit
t is a solutel for idden to ta e passen ers on t e mac ine
ever leave t e driver s ca
ile t e tractor is in motion
efore or in on t e mac ine, ma e sure t at it cannot e started up accidentall
a e sure t at t e protective devices are in place and in ood condition efore eac use
ec t e state of ear of t e tools and t eir fastenin
efore eac use, c ec t e ti
tness of t e scre s and nuts
o not stand in t e or area of t e mac ine
ere ma
e crus in and s earin
e remote controls ropes, oses, etc must e positioned in suc a a as to avoid accidental activation of a manoeuvre t at could lead to a ris of accident or
dama e
e sure to turn off t e en ine, remove t e i nition e and ait for all operatin parts to come to a complete stop efore leavin t e tractor or performin an operation
on t e mac ine
en servicin , do not stand et een t e tractor and t e mac ine it out first appl in t e par in
ac in up manoeuvres must not e carried out in t e lo ered position, as t ere is a ris of rea a e and ammin of equipment in contact it t e round
n t e event of a loc a e, t e
ouplin operations must e carried out it caution
ouple and transport t e mac ine onl
ouple t e mac ine to t e couplin points provided for t is purpose in accordance it t e standards in force
efore couplin t e mac ine, ma e sure t at t e front a le of t e tractor is properl
en couplin or uncouplin t e mac ine to or from t e tractor, t e control lever for t e
en couplin t e mac ine to t e tractor s
is of crus in and s earin in t e
en operatin t e e ternal control lever of t e po er lift, eep a a from t e area et een t e tractor and t e mac ine
en transportin t e mac ine, ensure t at it is sta ilised
en transportin t e mac ine in lift up mode, ensure t at t e lift control lever is loc ed
ncouplin operations must e carried out it caution
nl par t e mac ine on a at and sta le surface
en uncouplin , ma e sure t at t e supports are correctl positioned for ood sta ilit of t e mac ine
ncouplin t e mac ine from t e tractor or transport trolle
e particularl careful
en ac in up t is for idden to stand et een t e tractor and t e mac ine
ecure t e tractor to prevent it from movin
ever uncouple t e mac ine
ecure t e mac ine it
loc s to prevent it from movin
draulic s stem is pressurised
en installin
draulic ac s or motors, ma e sure t at t e circuits are properl connected in accordance it t e manufacturer s instructions
ec t at t e circuits on t e tractor side and on t e mac ine side are not pressuri ed efore an
o avoid t e ris of function reversal or connection errors, e recommend follo in t e identification mar s on t e
mac ine
ec t e
draulic oses once a ear
in ur and porosit of t e outer la er
deformation it and it out pressure
condition of fittin s and oints
e oses must e replaced efore
f a lea occurs, ma e sure ou ta e steps to avoid accidents
uid under pressure, suc as oil in t e
avoid t e ris of infection
e mac ine must e lo ered, t e circuit depressurised, t e en ine s itc ed off and t e i nition e removed efore carr in out an
e tractor control unit must not e in t e centre open position
DRIVERS (Power take-off and universal joint shafts)
a e sure to use t e universal oint s afts supplied it t e mac ine or recommended
a e sure t at t e
and drive s aft uards are in ood condition and correctl fitted
a e sure t at t e tu es of t e
a e sure to disen a e t e
n t e case of a transmission s aft it a torque limiter or a free
e assem l and loc in of t e universal oint s afts must e carried out correctl
e protective ousin s of t e universal oint s afts must e prevented from rotatin
ec t at t e c osen speed and direction of rotation of t e
n a e t e
if ou are sure t at t ere are no people or animals near t e mac ine
isen a e t e
if t e limits of t e
fter t e
as een disen a ed, do not approac t e
e universal oint s afts must e placed on t eir support
over t e
drive s aft of t e tractor
n dama ed
s aft uard must e replaced immediatel
en t e
is s itc ed on, ear a earin protection elmet
e noise level ran e depends on man factors suc as mac ine confi uration, mac ine condition and maintenance level, oor surface,
operatin c cles, am ient noise, as ell as t e equipment used
posure to i
noise levels can cause earin pro lems, includin deafness
l a s protect ourself a ainst noise o protect ourself from anno in or dama in noise, ear earin protection suc as ear protectors or earplu s
en drivin on pu lic roads
ones on remote controlled components, particularl t ose t at are
must e disen a ed, t e en ine s itc ed off and t e i nition e removed efore an maintenance or is carried out
it a suita le tractor
point lin a e, t e diameters of t e pins or trunnions must correspond to t e diameter of t e tractor s all oints
point liftin area
means of t e liftin lin a es to prevent it from ru
al a s store t e mac ine unfolded
en t e opper is full
ears of use and in accordance it t e manufacturer s recommendations
draulic s stem, can cause serious in ur , puncture t e s in, etc n t e event of in ur , contact a doctor immediatel to
oatin position durin road transport
drive s afts are properl coated in ot
, s itc off t e en ine, and remove t e i nition e
s aft an le recommended
until it as come to a complete stop, as units ma continue to rotate for a fe moments
en removin t e mac ine
it its protective cap after it as een disconnected
draulic lift must e positioned in suc a a t at it cannot e raised
t e manufacturer
or in and transport positions
efore connectin or disconnectin a
eel, t e must a solutel
e mounted on t e mac ine s po er ta e off s aft
means of c ains
conforms to t e manufacturer s recommendations efore en a in t e
t e manufacturer are li el to e e ceeded
draulicall controlled c assis, furro ers, etc
ra e and or placin
eel c oc s under t e
in or movin side a s
ose connection to t e
draulic circuit of t e tractor
draulic connections et een t e tractor and t e
drive s aft
or on t e
draulic s stem
or in environment,


Table des Matières

Table des Matières