e seed planter ma onl
e used for t e or for
n dama e related to t e use of t e mac ine outside t e specifications of t e manufacturer ill not en a e t e manufacturer s responsi ilit
n modifications to t e mac ine are made at t e user s o n ris
orrect use of t e mac ine requires
compliance it t e manufacturer s instructions for use, care, and maintenance
mandator use of spare parts, ori inal accessories or accessories recommended
peration, maintenance, and repair s all onl
e user must compl
it t e re ulation for
accident prevention
safet at or
a our ode
tra c
a e sure t at t e instructions provided it t e mac ines are o served
n modification to t e equipment, it out t e ritten a reement of t e manufacturer, en a es t e full responsi ilit of t e o ner
mproper use of t e mac ine ma result in serious in ur or deat
e mac ine ma onl
e operated, maintained, and repaired
e person must ecome familiar it t e use of t e mac ine efore or in
ersons or in
it t e mac ine must e informed accordin l to carr out t e various tas s road transport, use and ad ustment, operation, maintenance, fault
findin and trou les ootin , etc
e person must e a le to understand t e operation of t e mac ine and e a le to identif and avoid t e dan ers associated it its use
e person is familiar it t e safe operation of a ricultural mac iner
or drivin on t e road, t e person as t e compulsor approved drivin licence
ertain care and maintenance or ma onl
ildren cannot estimate dan er and ma
eep c ildren a a from t e mac ine
efore ettin out of t e ca , rin t e tractor to a standstill
efore initiatin an movement
t e mac ine, ensure t at t ere are no c ildren in t e dan er one
earin personal protective equipment is an important part of personal protection
issin or incomplete personal protective equipment increases t e ris of ealt consequences
e user must avoid earin loose clot in t at could e cau
se suita le, close fittin clot es t at are close to t e od and in perfect condition
etermine t e personal protective equipment required for eac intervention and ma e it availa le
lso o serve t e manufacturer s re ulations
ists of necessar equipment safet s oes, protective loves, protective o
clot in
o not ear a rin or ot er e eller
e transport of people and animals durin
ersons or animals can fall due to t e movements of t e mac ine and e seriousl in ured or illed
serve t e re ulations of t e i
t is important to e a are of t e mac ine s au e and to consider t e transport ei
le loads, t re load capacities and permissi le ei
e front a le must al a s ave a load of at least
ut t e mac ine in t e transport position accordin to t e instructions efore drivin on pu lic roads
ut t e par in supports in t e transport position
et up and c ec t e re ulator equipment durin transport li
dapt t e speed and drivin st le to t e terrain conditions
t e lar e over an and t e mass inertia of t e mounted implement
andlin , steerin , and ra in are impacted
steerin and ra in s stems
l a s drive it empt
e tractor distri utor must not e in t e centre open position
ll electronic control equipment in t e tractor ca must e s itc ed off efore startin transport
ic it as desi ned
e carried out
competent persons
trained personnel
e carried out
a specialist or s op
e ave unpredicta l , so t e are particularl at ris
movin parts
en andlin
a ardous materials
or or road transport is pro i ited
en drivin on pu lic roads
ts must e o served
of t e tractor s unladen ei
tin , si nallin , etc
onsider t e road, tra c, visi ilit , and eat er conditions, avoid sudden c an es in direction, consider
mounted and to ed implements
oat position durin road transport
t e manufacturer
o are informed of t e dan ers to
o ave een informed of t e ris s involved
it it
ettin familiar
ile or in
les or visor, respirator protection mas , earin protection elmet, suita le protective
t, especiall
en crossin
rid es and po er lines
or t ese reasons, e vi ilant and ensure t at ou ave su cient control over t e
ic t e are e posed
it it is too late