Profibus configu-
Error during DP run-up
ration data error
Error display during parameter assignment (UserPrmData) or configuration (CfgData).
Displayed via field bus LEDs and diagnostic data (DiagData). Identification via error code
and error argument.
Error while checking the UserPrmData
Error code 1
The error argument describes in which UserPrmData byte the error was detected (offset
of the incorrect byte + 1).
Error code 3
a selected combination of functions is not permitted. See error argument for description.
Error argument
Error while checking the CfgData
Error code 2
A byte in the CfgData is incorrect. The error argument describes in which CfgData byte
the error was detected (offset of the incorrect byte + 1).
Error code 5
The length of the digital outputs (in bytes) calculated using CfgData is incorrect. The
error argument contains the expected byte length.
Error code 6
The length of the digital inputs (in bytes) calculated using CfgData is incorrect. The error
argument contains the expected byte length.
Error code 7
Displays various errors when checking the CfgData. The error argument describes the
spare bit in the UserPrmData is set to the wrong value
or the function corresponding to the bit in the UserPrmData is not supported
In synchronous mode, the reaction to DP errors must not be
„Outputs unchanged"
The DPV1-MSAC-C1 connection was activated by the master,
but no DPV1-MSAC_C1 connection was defined
Multi-configurator mode is not permitted if the CfgData check is
switched off.
Synchronous mode may only be activated if at least one DP
output byte is configured
The optimised input cycle is only possible in synchronous mode
The length of the DP buffer exceeds the size of the DP RAM in
the Profibus Asic
The fast FreeRun mode must not be activated at the same time
as synchronous mode