Starting up
Connect the amplifier module to an IO-Link master using a cable suitable for IO-Link com
munication. If the requirements for measurement accuracy are very high, we recommend
warming up the measurement chain for 30 minutes.
The measurement chain starts up, and is ready for operation. The master sends a wake-
up signal to the sensor for this purpose.
If the corresponding IO-Link master connection is configured for IO-Link mode, the mas
ter reads the basic device parameters from the sensor. These are used to automatically
establish communication, and identify the sensor. In this state, the sensor cyclically auto
matically transfers the process data (measurement data in Newtons and status of the
limit value switches) to the master.
Please follow the instructions for the IO-Link master, and for the engineering software
you are using.
The device description file (IODD) of the measurement chain enables your application to
display and process the measurement data and parameters, and allows you to configure
the measurement chain according to your requirements. (limit value switches, filters,
etc.). If your application does not automatically download the IODD from the Internet, you
can download it from the official IO-Link page at https://ioddfinder.io-link.com. To do so,
enter the type designation of your sensor, e.g. K-U10M/50kN, and the name of the manu
facturer, i.e. Hottinger Brüel & Kjaer GmbH, in the search field, and then load the IODD into
your application.
Alternatively, you can also use the table of variables (object dictionary) from these
instructions to program and set up your downstream electronics.
Data structure
In each IO-Link communication cycle, the device transmits six bytes of process data to
the master (PDin). The master sends one byte of process data to the device (PDout).
In addition, two bytes are transmitted as on-demand data.
Other events are signaled as IO-Link events if required (see IO-Link standard). The con
nected master then receives an event code; further evaluation depends on the other sys
tem components and their parameterization.
Process Data
The measured value and the status of the limit value switches, as well as warnings
(see below), are transmitted with the six process data bytes PDin0 to PDin5. The mea
surement data is in the first four bytes (PDin0 to PDin3). The transfer takes place every
cycle; the cycle time depends on the master and parameterization being used.