ec declaration of conformity
We Scheppach Fabrikation von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH,
Günzburger Straße 69, D-89335 Ichenhausen hereby declare Ihat Ihe
machine named below corresponds to Ihe relevant safely and health
requirements of Ihe EC guidelines specified below inils design and
conslruclion and in Ihe version which we introduced to the market
This declaralion becomes invalid if changes are made to the machine
without our consent
radial drill press
stb t13 (Art.-nr. 390 6803 941, 390 6803 946,
390 6803 949)
stb t16 (390 6804 941, 390 6804 946, 390 6804 948,
390 6804 949)
stb s16 (390 6805 941, 390 6805 946, 390 6805 949)
Relevant EC directives:
ec machine directive 2006/42/eg,
ec low voltage directive 2006/95/ewg,
ec-emV directive 2004/108/ewg.
Notified body within the meaning of Annex VII:
intertek testing services shanghai
Building no. 86, 1198 Qinzhou road (north)
caohejing development Zone
shanghai 200233, china
ichenhausen, 26.01.2010
werner Hartmann (managing director)
18 english
stb Bohrmaschinen 2012.indd 18
17.02.12 09:34