CYBELEC's entire líabílity and the lícensee's exclusive remedy sha11 be as follows:
The replacement of any dískettes or EPROMS or magnetic support media or cassettes not meetíng
CYBELEC's limíted warranty and whích materials are returned to CYBELEC or an authorízed
CYBELEC representative with a copy of the packíng s1íp, or
If CYBELEC or its representatíve ís unable to delíver replacement dískettes, magnetíc support medía,
EPROM or cassettes whích are free of defects in materíals or workmanshíp, the lícensee may termínate
thís agreement under the terms and condítíons herein mentíoned, and the purchaser's money wí11 be
The licensee acknowledges that he has read thís agreement, understands ít and agrees to be bound by íts
terms and condítions.
The lícensee agrees to hold CYBELEC harmless on a11 liability associated wíth lícensce's breach of this
agreement íncluding, but not límited to, a11 reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, íf any.
Thís lícense agreement sha11 be governed by Swíss 1aw; place of jurisdíctíon ís Lausanne, Swítzerland.
CYBELEC wí11 províde one year of software maíntenance.The extent of maintenance, and response tíme
for furníshíng same, sha11 be at the sole díscretíon of CYBELEC.Maíntenance sha11 normally include
correctíon of errors in code, correctíon of errors in supportíng documentatíon, update versíons of the
covered software which may be released by CYBELEC durίng the maíntenance períod.
In no event sha11 CYBELEC be oblíged to províde technical support ín attemptíng to resolve problems or
dífficultíes resultíng from lícensee's modífıcatíon of the lícensed soØare; any such modíficatíon by
lícensee ís entírely at lícensee's own rísk.