Anγ íntervention in the numerical control must on1y be realízed by a
qualífıed technicían..
Before any ínterventíon, the owner or the technicían MUST save the
numerical control data.
When connectíng or removing a connector in the DNC, changíng a
board or any other manipulation it must on1y be done with the DNC
dísconnected from the power supply.
Attentíon, even when dísconnected, the possíbílíty of electrical
discharges remains, especíally within the cathode screen housíng.
• When handling boards, they must bc conserved in the antístatíc
packagíng until the last moment. The technícían wí11 take a11 the
necessary precautions to avoid any electrostatíc díscharges (earthíng
Ьy an antístatic bracelet for example).
If certaín measures have to be realized wíth the current on, the
technician must ínsure that the safety earth conductors aтe correctly
If the numerical control ís equipped wíth cooling ventílators, their
functíoning must be controlled at the end of the íntervention, when the
rear panel has been put back ín place.