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cybelec DNC 1200 Informations Techniques page 6


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Purchase of the CYBELEC software entítles the user, during one year, to de1ivery of software updates of
the "correction" type.
During the use of a revised or corrected versíon of the software ít may occur that data (program,
parameters, etc.) ís 1ost, or that the equípment or íts connections need to be modífied; these effects are not
always foreseeable and do not engage CYBELEC's responsíbílíty.
This agreement sha11 automatícally termínate upon any act of bankruptcy by or agaínst lícensee, upon any
assignment for the benefit of credítors of the lícensee, upon any attachment execution of judgement or
process agaínst licensee or its assets that substantíally ínhíbíts íts abílíty to do busíness, or upon
díssolution of licensee.
CYBELEC has the right to termínate this agreement ímmedíately, should the lícensee violate the
aforementioned condítions.
Wíthin 30 days of termínatíon of thís agreement for any reason,licensee sha11 at his optíon, eíther:
• return to CYBELEC or authorízed dealer a11 exístent copíes of such software and related materíals, or
furnísh to CYBELEC evídence satisfactory that the origínal and a11 copíes of the software, in whole
and ín any form, have been destroyed.
The foregoíng warranty ís ínstead of a11 other warrantíes, expressed or ímplied.
Licensee further agrees that CYBELEC sha11 not be 1íable for any lost profits, lost savíngs, loss of use, or
other incídental or consequentíal damages arisíng from the use or inabilíty to use the software, or for any
claím or demand agaínst lícensee by any other party.
1n no event sha11 CYBELEC be 1íable for consequentíal damages, even if CYBELEC has been advísed of
the possíbílíty of such damages.
CYBELEC does not warrant that the functíons contaíned in the software wí11 meet the lícensee's
requírement or that the operation of the software wí11 be totally error free.
Should the software prove defectíve, the licensee (and not CYBELEC or an authorízed dealer or
representatíve) wí11 assume the entire cost of a11 necessary servíce, repaír or correctíon.
CYBELEC warrants the diskettes, EPROMS or other magnetíc support or cassettes on whích the
programs are supplíed to be free of defects in materíal and workmanshíp under normal use for a peńod of
90 days from the date of shípment to the lícensee as evídenced by a copy of the packíng s1íp.

