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Numerícal Control
DNC 1200
Numerícal control DNC 1200 specífically destíned for sheetmetal working. Depending on the software installed, it can be
used for synchronízed or non-synchronízed press-brakes, of up-strokíng or down-strokíng type.
The numerícal control DNC 1200 can control up to 16 axes, two of whích are synchronízed hydraulíc axes specíally
designed for press-brakes.
The numerícal control ís composed of 2 main elements:
- the DNC (Dírect Numerícal Control: the user ínterface),
- the ENC (Executíve Numerícal Control).
The DNC ís located wíthín the operator's reach, generally fıxed on a pendant. The ENC ís placed ínsíde the electńcal
The ENC ís available in 2 rack formats. The "short " rack (versíon L) enables to realize a machine up to 8 axes. The "long"
rack allows up to 16 axes (see configuratíon below).
The software enables the machine manufacturers to configure the axes, ínputs/outputs and auxíliary functíons accordíng to
theír needs.
DNC 1200 PS
User ínterface for synchronízed press-brakes.
DNC 1200 PC
Líke the DNC 1200 PS, but for press-brakes wíth mechanícal (or hydráulíc) stops and beam control
by means of a línear encoder.
DNC 1200 P
Líke the DNC 1200 PC, but without beam control by means of a 1inear encoder.
ENC 900/L
Executive numerícal control versíon "L" for 2 up to maximum 8 axes, whereof 2 hydraulíc axes for
the beam (1 N2Y board and 3 N2X boards).
Optíonally: 2 supplementary axes. Howéver thís optíon excludes the possíbílíty to equíp the ENC
wíth an angle measuríng system.
ENC 900/M
Rack version "M" wíth maximum 16 axes, whereof 2 hydraulíc axes for the beam (1 N2Y board and
7 N2X boards).
Optíonally: 2 supplementary axes. However thís optíon excludes the possíbílíty to equíp the ENC
wíth an angle measuríng system.
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