Axes and auxiliary functíons of the standard software
Y1 - Y2
X, X1, X2, X5, X6
R, R2, R5, R6
Z, Z2, Z5, Z6
Free 1, 2, 3, 4
F1 to F10
The elements lísted hereafter are avaílable and can be confıgured in a11 numerícal controls supplíed®
wíth standard software (within the number of available axes).
Synchronízed axes for the beam (servo-valves, proportíonal valves).
Main backgauge axes (X5,X6 generally for the external gauges of the frame).
Secondary gauge axes in absolute or relatíve mode.
Backgauge heíght adjustment axes (R5,R6 generally for the external gauges of the frame).
Axes for 1eft/ríght movement of backgauge.
Independent axes wíthout any partícular management.
Voltage output for pressure valve control.
Should current output Ьe needed, thís would requíre the MVP 403 accessory, an external amplífier
to be mounted insíde the electrícal cabínet (see data sheet of MVP 403).
Voltage output for adjustment of hydraulic crowníng.
Should current output be needed, thís would require the MVP 403 accessory, an external amplífıer
to be mounted insíde the electrical cabínet (see data sheet of MVP 403),
24VDC outputs and a potentíometrícal posítíon transducer for adjustment of the mechanícal
Configurable auxílíary functions (possíbly, the number of AFs may be límíted, depending on the
type of functíon and management).
Voltage or 24VDC dígital outputs, with or wíthout position control by means of a potentíometrical
posítíon transducer.
Specíal controls for gauge fıngers, bendíng aíds, die movement.
4 among the followíng languages (to be specífıed when orderíng):
French, German, English, Italian, Spanísh, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish.
Specíal axes, optíonal auxíliary functíons and other optíons (with extra charge)
M1, M2
Mountíng M1, M2
X3, X4, Z3, Z4
Earthíng Kít
A1pha keyboard
ENC / Software
Axes for adjustment / movement of the die.
Axes for adjustment/movement of the die in relatíon wíth the choice of tool mounting.
Front gauge axes.
Remote control unít BM20 wíth handwheel and dísplay, allowing remote-controlled axis
Raí1 and clamps for the shield earthíng on the rack ENC 900.
See photo ENC 900 on the last page.
Voltage / current converter (0-1 / 0-3 A) for pressure and crowning valves.
Voltage / current converter (0-50 mA, 0-300 mA) for servo-valves.
DNC 1200
Other languages on request.
Option network Ethcrnet RJ 45 (oн the DNC)
Separate standard PC alphanumerical keyboard or
íntegrated (on slídeway) 1P 65 alphanumerical keyboard..
There are a great number of manufacturer-specífıc optíons.
Other options can be developed upon request.