The intervertebral disks are in fact compromised
by the unilateral pressure, the muscles and muscle
fascia are tight because of the constant traction,
the organs contract and the space necessary for
correct respiration is also reduced. The vascularisa-
tion of the tissues and the corresponding supply of
nutritional substances is no longer guaranteed; in
the end contractions, strain and tiredness follow.
The Original PEZZI® gym ball, thanks to its shape, is
an efficient support for the correct position of the
pelvis and the erect posture of the body.
We sit correctly and at the same time maintain the
dorsal musclesfit - effortless and without sweating.
The Original PEZZI® Gym Ball: the perfect
variant of the chair
Sit down dynamically!
Sitting down must not be passive behaviour. The mo-
bility of the Original PEZZI® gym ball automatically
means a more active attitude assured by the need to
maintain and constantly re-establish balance.
These, slight, hardly perceptible posture adapta-
tion reactions guarantee a dynamic way of sitting
with an active utilisation of the muscles of the back.
The Original PEZZI® gym ball does not represent,
however, an alternative to the chair, but a simple
variant. It is necessary to learn, by exercise, how to
sit correctly and erect on the ball and, at the first
signs of tiredness, pause or pass to a traditional
chair with a back.
The five fundamental rules for a correct
sitting posture
1. Choosing a ball of suitable dimensions
Decide on a ball with a diameter suited to the size of
the body. When seated, the buttocks must be a little
higher than the knee joints.
Only in this way will it be possible to guarantee the
best position for the pelvis and therefore for the ver-
tebral column also.
up to
140 cm
Ball Diameter
up to
155 cm
up to
175 cm
175 cm
(Reference data)
2. Hold tight
Sit on the original PEZZI® gym ball.To keep in balance
rest your feet on the ground and keep your legs open.
Your thighs must be turned in the same direction as
your feet. In this way it is possible to avoid an unbal-
anced distribution of the load on the articulations of
the knee and foot. Make sure your feet are kept firmly
in a position that prevents you from slipping.
3. Putting the pelvis in position
Put your hands (with the palms turned upwards)
between the ball and the buttocks. Move the pelvis
forward and backward (making the ball roll slightly)
until the two protrusions of the ischium are felt well.
As soon as the body is felt to weigh vertically with
the ischium on the hands it will mean that the body
has taken on the ideal position of the pelvis. Aban-
don the arms along the sides, touching the ball
with the tips of the fingers. Maintain this position.
4. Straight Thorax
Check the position taken on by the chest and imag-
ine having a lamp focused on the sternum. The light
coming from the lamp must not illuminate, neither
the floor nor the ceiling but it must instead be pro-
jected horizontally forward. Let the arms dangle
along the body or rest them on the thighs. Breathe
as normally as possible and maintain this position.
5. In this way everything is balanced
"Stretch" your neck - help yourself by thinking of a
marionette hanging tied to its hair. The head sort of
rests on the upper cervical vertebra. You will be in
a position of perfect equilibrium and you will have
taken on the best sitting position. Remember that
taking on an active posture in no way means "hold-
ing your breath".
42 cm
53 cm
65 cm
75 cm
Ready? Go! Exercises for the back at work
and at home
Nowadays, a great deal of work is done sitting
down and only rarely do we move in a wide open
space. The Original PEZZI® gym ball is ideal to allow,
at home and in the office, to compensate this lack
of movement. Here are a few practical examples:
Sit correctly on the Original PEZZI® gym ball. To
work at a desk it is usually necessary to bend for-
ward slightly. When taking on this position try not
to twist the back-bone and try to bend forward
while keep-ing the back straight. This requires a
greater supporting effort of the back muscles but
this will strengthen them and at the same time will
avoid lateral pressure on the intervertebral disks.
Set the pelvis moving
Get the ball to roll with oscillatory forward and back-
ward, right and left movements of the pelvis. If, when
doing this, you put your hands on your back, you will
feel the movement of our vertebral column in the area
of the sacrum. As you will by now have understood,
movement improves the delivery of nutritional sub-
stances and helps to prevent cramps and contractions.
Regenerate by jumping
Starting from the correct sitting position - hands on
the thighs or arms dangling along the sides - press
your feet hard on the ground while jumping lightly.