7 Cervical vertebrae
12 Thoracic vertebrae
5 Lumbar vertebrae
depending on the different pressures generated, into
a sort of "pump effect" which is fundamental for the
transportation of the nutritional substances.
An incorrect posture which gives rise to a lack of
balance in the distribution of body weight ends up
by damaging the tissues - good posture and there-
fore a balanced distribution of the weight permit
the preservation of the tissues.
Movement and the resulting variable distribution
of weight supply the tissues with the necessary
nutritional substances, maintaining them elastic,
resistant and keeping the muscles fit.
The pelvis and the oblique base of the
vertebral column
The sacrum and the pelvis together do not offer the
spine a horizontal base but an oblique, forwardin-
clined plane. The angle that is formed in this way is
compensated by the inferior wedge-shaped lum-
bar vertebra and two intervertebral disks, wedge-
shaped, too. The vertebral column is in the form of a
double "S" so that the centre of gravity of the chest
and the head are superimposed on the same opti-
mum weight distribution line.
Anatomy and function of the vertebrae
Our vertebral column articulates with 33-34 verte-
brae. Each single vertebra is composed of a verte-
bral body, a vertebral arch, spinal and transverse
apophyses and vertebral articulations. The anterior
part of the vertebral column, the vertebra bodies,
function as a bearing column. They are joined to
The vertebral arches to form a vertebral channel
and guarantee the necessary protection for the
spinal cord. The posterior part, the spinal and trans-
verse apophyses, are used as points for attaching
the muscles. The vertebral articulations constitute
the bony connection between the two vertebrae
that, by interacting with the intervertebral disks
regulate the mobility of the single sections of the
vertebral column.
ca 45
Gelatinous nucleus of
Spinal cord
the intervertebral disk
The intervertebral disks and their shock
absorbing function
The intervertebral disks of our body - a sort of elas-
tic bearings spongy and provided with a solid ge-
latinous nucleus - act as shock absorbers.
They have no blood vessels. So, in order to preserve
their elasticity, their supply of nutritious substanc-
es, indispensable for their nutrition and growth,
must be guaranteed by the so-called "pump effect".
And this only happens when we engage in physical
The muscles in their function as efficiency factors
Maintaining the vertebral column in the ideal posi-
tion means great physical resistance by the muscles.
Only trained muscles can guarantee similar per-
formance in time.
Unilateral distribution
of weight
Sitting down as if you were standing up!
The pelvis with the sacrum constitutes the base of
the vertebral column.Whether standing up or sit-
ting down, a correct position of the pelvis can be
of fundamental importance for the entire back. The
sitting position is rather tiring for the back. With
an aim to preserving, even when sitting down, the
best line for the distribution of the weight - the
double "S" shape - the pelvis will have to be kept
as much as possible in the same position as when
standing up. The traditional horizontal surfaces on
which we are used to sit on do not permit the pelvis
to take on this position easily - In fact we usually
sit backwards compared to the ischium and rest on
the coccyx. The upper part of the body flops down
and so we tend to wobble in our muscles and mus-
cle fascia. This posture seems very comfortable but,
as time passes, we realise that it is all but healthy.
Balanced distribution
of weight