The instruction manual for this device consists of general and specific instructions,
both must be carefully read and understood before use. Attention! This leaflet
shows the specific instruction only.
SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS EN 795:2012 / EN 354:2010.
This note contains the necessary information for a correct use of the following
product/s: temporary anchor devices / lanyards. Any work at height requires
the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) as a protection against the risk of
a fall. Before accessing the work station, all the risk factors must be evaluated
(environmental, concomitant, consequential).
1) FIELD OF APPLICATION. This product is a personal protective device (P.P.E.); it
is compliant with the Regulation (EU) 2016/425. Personal fall protection equip-
ment: lanyards EN 354:2010 / temporary anchor devices EN 795:2012. At-
tention! Not for use in mountaineering or similar activities. Attention! For this prod-
uct the indications of the standard EN 365 must be respected (general instructions
/ paragraph 2.5). Attention! For this product a periodic thorough inspection is
compulsory (general instructions / paragraph 8.)
1.1 - Intended uses. As per EN 795, the risk the equipment must protect against
is that of falls from a height. According to EN 354, the risk the equipment must
protect against is: protection against falls from a height, if used in combination
with an energy absorber and with a total length of the system not exceeding 2
m; prevention from falls from a height, if the equipment is not used in conjunction
with an energy absorber and the work is carried out using a restraint or work-posi-
tioning system with a length of over or under 2 m. Attention! If the risk assessment
carried out before starting the work indicates the use of the device on sharp edg-
es, appropriate precautions should be taken.
2) NOTIFIED BODIES. Refer to the legend in the general instructions (paragraph
9 / table D): M2; M6; N1.
3) NOMENCLATURE (Fig. 2). A) Label. B) Sewn joint. C) Internal sling. D) Exter-
nal tubular sling. E) Steel end ring. F) Flat webbing. G) Loop. H) Ring with steel
adjustment buckle. I) Small aluminium ring. L) Reinforced edge. M) Large alumini-
um ring. N) End with sewn eye. O) Thimble eye. P) Abrasion protection sheath. Q)
Sheath. R) Core/kern. S) Top loop. T) Bottom loop. U) Connector. V) Anti-abrasion
sleeve. Z) Talurit ends. X) Cable.
3.1 - Main materials. Refer to the legend in the general instructions (paragraph
2.4): 1; 7; 10 (Fig. 13).
4) MARKING. Numbers/letters without caption: refer to the legend in the general
instructions (paragraph 5).
4.1 - General (Fig. 1). Indications:1; 2; 4; 6; 7; 8; 11; 12; 14; 30) Maximum
length of device.
4.2 - Traceability (Fig. 1). Indications: T2 ; T8; T9.
5) CHECKS. Further to the checks listed below, comply with what indicated in
the general instructions (paragraph 3). Before each use, verify that: the Talurit
ends, where present, are perfectly tightened and that they are not loose; check
the integrity of the abrasion protection sheath and that there is no movement or
disconnection from the end; verify that the anti-abrasion sleeve, where required,
is intact. Attention! In the presence of damages on the anti-abrasion sleeve, thor-
oughly verify that the cable underneath is intact. Attention! When checking the
devices made of rope consider that some problems of the inner core, caused by
over-stress, local folds or dirt, can be invisible.
6) COMPATIBILITY. The device can only be used in combination with CE-marked
equipment, work equipment such as connectors (EN362), harnesses (EN 361
/ EN813 / EN 358), energy absorbers (EN 355), etc. Attention! Knots in the
device can compromise its strength (Fig. 12.4).
7) ISTRUCTIONS FOR USE EN 354. An EN 354 lanyard may not be used to
arrest falls unless used with a system to absorb energy (e.g. EN 355 energy ab-
sorber). During the use of an EN 354 lanyard the user must always remain below
the anchor point of the device with the lanyard under tension (fall factor 0 - Fig.
10.2). With a fall factor of 1 or more (Fig. 10.2) an energy absorber must be
used: in this case the total length of the device, including terminations and connec-
tors, must not exceed 2 metres (Fig. 10.1). Attention! The user should minimise the
slack in the device when hear to an area with risk of falling. Attention! Adjustable
devices should only be adusted in a safe area where there is no risk of falling.
Attention! Do not use two rope slings, each with an energy absorber, in parallel.
7.1 - Mod. DYNAMIX. The Dynamix product is made of dynamic rope and the
rope itself functions as an energy absorber for fall factors less than 0,5, masses
of 100 kg and lenght of the device up to 2 metres. Attention! Pay attention not
to overcome fall factor 0,3.
8) ISTRUCTIONS FOR USE EN 795. Temporary anchor devices must be posi-
tioned around a suitably-shaped structure which can support at least 12 kN.
Attention! The indicated values refer to tests carried out using structures with a rec-
tangular cross-section, with bevelled edges or fillet transitions. The static tests have
instead been carried out over a beam with large edge fillets and over a beam
with a circular cross-section with a 20 mm diameter. Attention! The cross-section
shape of the structure and tying so that the device is "strangled" can reduce the
Climbing Technology by Aludesign S.p.A. via Torchio 22
24034 Cisano B.sco BG ITALY
device's strength (Fig. 3.4÷3.5). Attention! Do not use the equipment around
structures that have sharp edges, as the strength of the equipment is drastically
reduced; use in conjunction with appropriate devices that provide protection. At-
tention! The sliding of a rope on devices made of rope or sling could cause their
brake. (Fig. 12.3). These devices can be used to build a anchor, paying attention
to the angle that is created where the slings meet: the ideal angle is 90°, the
maximum allowed angle is 120° or 140° in case of rescue (Fig. 11).
8.1 - Installation. 1) Only competent persons or organisations should install
anchor devices. 2) The installation must be appropriately verified, for example
through calculation or tests. 3) Check the integrity of the support to which the
anchor is fixed (e.g. wall, beam etc.); 4) Make sure after installation that the label
is visible and readable. If not, you are advised to apply an additional labelling
near to the anchor device. 5) Check the documentation that must be furnished by
the installer after installation (EN 795:2012 - Annex A.2).
8.2 - Warnings. 1) Anchors devices are designed to be used by only one person
at any one time; 2) When the anchor devices are part of a fall arrest system, the
user must employ a device which limits the force generated by the dynamics of
the fall to maximum 6 kN; 3) The anchor devices may be used only in PPE anti-fall
systems and not in systems to lift loads; 4) It is recommended to mark each anchor
device with the date of the last or next inspection (e.g. indelible label that does not
modify the structure of the anchor device). 5) Only anchor points that comply with
the EN 795 standard can be used (minimum strength 12 kN or 18 kN for non-me-
tallic anchors). 6) When evaluating the free space needed beneath the operator
while working (clearance distance), take into consideration the maximum value of
deflection (extension) specified for the device (Fig. 13). Attention! Table 13 shows
the peak load at the anchor point (A) and the deflection (B) of the anchor device
as recorded during the dynamic test.
8.3 - Mod. FAST ANKOR. The length of the Fast Ankor can be adjusted using the
adjustment buckle (Fig. 5.4-5.5).
8.4 - Mod. FOREST. Forest is a temporary anchor which can be retrieved from the
ground, ideal for work on trees. It must be installed on the branch of a tree or other
suitably-strong structural anchor (e.g. beam) using a throw line (Fig. 6.3÷6.8). At
the end of the work the device is recovered as follows: the operator makes a knot
in the working line, as shown, and starts to pull it down from the opposite side
(Fig. 6.9); the knot passes through the FOREST's large ring but not through the
small ring (Fig. 6.10) allowing you to pull it down to the ground. Attention! Use
of an additional light line during recovery enables you to avoid the Forest falling
to the ground (Fig. 6.11-6.12).
8.5 - Mod. STEEL ANKOR. In order to create a longer EN 795-B anchor, the Steel
Ankor devices can be joined together through EN 362 Q Type maillon rapides.
IST52-7W128CT_rev.4 10-21