c) Spiralling
For the model with item no. 230185 (without aileron) spiralling is initiated with the help of the rudder.
If the model has reached the desired declination, the rudder is put back into centre position. Now the
curve can be flown at a constant altitude by gently pulling the elevator control stick.
If the model starts to sink in the curve, you did not pull the elevator control stick strongly
If the model starts to rise in the curve, you pulled the elevator control stick too strongly.
When the model flies in the desired direction, a quick regulation of the rudder into the opposite direc-
tion will bring the model back to a horizontal position and also return the elevator to the centre posi-
For the model with item no. 233770 (with aileron) spiralling is initiated with the help of the aileron.
When the model has reached the desired declination the aileron is put back into centre position. Now,
the curve can be flown at a constant altitude by gently pulling the elevator control stick.
If the model starts to sink in the curve, you did not pull the elevator control stick strongly
If the model starts to rise in the curve, you pulled the elevator control stick too strongly.
When the model flies in the desired direction, a quick regulation of the aileron into the opposite direc-
tion will bring the model back to a horizontal position and also return the elevator to the centre posi-
In general, curves can also be flown only with the rudder or the elevator. If necessary, the
aileron can be used additionally. If the aileron is used opposed to the rudder, you can
achieve extremely flat curves with a minimum declination with your model.
When flying always ensure a sufficient flying speed. Pulling too hard at the control stick
of the elevator causes the model to slow down; it can turnover laterally over a wing.
Therefore, ensure at the beginning a sufficient safety height in order to allow yourself to
get used to the steering attitude of the model. Do not try to fly too far in order to be able
to clearly evaluate, at any time, the flight attitude.