Servo Reversing
With this function, you can reverse the working direction of the servo.
If you change this function, you must then check all control commands of the remote control in order to prevent that you have not inadvertently changed
working direction of the wrong servo. The incorrect reaction of a servo to a control command is one of the most common causes of crashes.
With the Select button (Figure 3, Item 7) you select the channel, which is to be reversed.
With the +/- rocker (Figure 3, Item 4), you switch between normal (NOR) and reverse (REV).
Settings for servo distance with "Dual Rate" and "Exponential Function"
By means of toggling the switch on Figure 1, Item 4, the control movements and the responsivity around the intermediate position are changed corresponding to the re-
mote control-side programming for the pitching, rolling and yawing functions. These settings do not affect the response speed. These functions can be set separately and
individually for pitching, rolling, and yawing.
With the Select button (Figure 3, Item 7), you select the respective channel, which can be set with the +/- rocker (Figure 3, Item 4) from 0 % to 140 % servo distance for the
dual rate (servo distance reduction). The set value applies to both servo directions of rotation and cannot be separately set for each direction of rotation.
The settings for exponential have no affect on the full deflexion of the respective servo and only change the responsivity around the intermediate position of
the control stick. The set value applies to both servo directions of rotation and cannot be separately set for each direction of rotation.
If the exponential component is reduced (negative leading sign), the servo movements in the area of the intermediate position of the control stick are smaller.
If the exponential component is increased, then the servo movements in the area of the intermediate position of the control stick have a more considerable effect.
Dual Rate
For the first flight trials, it is recommended that the pitching, rolling, and yawing functions are each set with a -40 % exponential. By means of these preset-
tings, the helicopter reacts more sensitively to the control commands and is as such, easier to control during the first flight trials.
The channel currently selected flashes. The meaning of the channels is shown on the right next to the display:
CH1=Aileron (channel 1 = rolling)
CH2=Elevator (channel 2 = pitching)
CH3=Throttle (channel 3 = pitch/motor speed)
CH4=Rudder (channel 4 = yawing)
CH5=Aux/Gyro (channel 5 = gyro control)
CH6=Pitch (channel 6 = pitch with constant motor speed)
The channel currently selected flashes. The meaning of the channels is shown on the right next to the display:
CH1=Aileron (channel 1 = rolling)
CH2=Elevator (channel 2 = pitching)
CH4=Rudder (channel 4 = yawing)
According to the setting possibilities for pitching, rolling, yawing for dual rate, the display switches to the setting mode for expo-
nential. Here, you can also select the respective channels by pressing the Select button and change the values with the +/- rocker.