How do I get service?
You must contact a licensed professional for the repair of a product under this Limited Warranty. For the name of a
licensed professional please contact your place of purchase, visit the Rinnai website (, call Rinnai at
1-800-621-9419 or write to Rinnai at 103 Internati nal Drive, Peachtree City, Georgia 30269.
Proof of purchase is required to obtain warranty service. You may show proof of purchase with a dated sales receipt,
or by registering within 30 days of purchasing the product. To register your tankless water heater, please visit For those without internet access, please call 1-866-RINNAI1 (746-6241). Receipt of Registrati n by
Rinnai will consti ute proof-of-purchase for this product. Registrati n of product installed in new home constructi n
may be veri ed with a copy of the closing papers provided by the initi l home buyer. However, Registrati n is not
necessary in order to validate this Limited Warranty.
What is not covered?
This Limited Warranty does not cover any failures or operati g di
accident, abuse, or misuse
alterati n of the product or any component part
misapplicati n of this product
improper installati n (such as but not limited to)
product being installed in a corrosive environment
condensate damage
improper ventin
incorrect gas type
incorrect gas or water pressure
absence of a drain pan under the appliance
There is no warranty coverage on product installed in any hydronic heatin applica ons of any type.
There is no warranty coverage on product installed in a closed loop applicati n, commonly associated with space
heati g only applicati ns.
Use of an MCC-91-2 controller in a residenti l dwelling will reduce the warranty coverage to that of a commercial
warranty applicati n.
This Limited Warranty does not apply to any product whose serial number or manufacture date has been defaced.
This Limited Warranty does not cover any product used in an applicati n that uses chemically treated water such as a
pool or spa heater.
Limita on on Warrantie
No one is authorized to make any other warranties on behalf of Rinnai America Corporati n. Except as expressly
provided herein, there are no other warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a partic lar purpose, which extend beyond the descrip on of the warranty herein.
Any implied warran es of merchantability and tness arising under state law are limited in durati n to the period of
coverage provided by this Limited Warranty, unless the period provided by state law is less. Some states do not allow
limitati ns on how long an implied Limited Warranty lasts, so the above limitati n may not apply to you.
Rinnai shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, special, consequen al or other similar damages that may arise,
including lost pro ts, damage to person or property, loss of use, inconvenience, or liability arising from improper
installati n, service or use. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitati n of incidental or consequentia
damages, so the above limitati n may not apply to you.
This Limited Warranty gives you speci c legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to
ul es due to the following:
Improper maintenance (such as but not limited to
scale build-up, freeze damage, or vent blockage)
incorrect sizing
any other cause not due to defects in materials or
problems or damage due to res, flooding, electrical
surges, freezing or any acts of God.
any damage caused by poor water quality
operati g the water heater with anything other than
potable water at all times
force majeure
KBP Series Manual