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Rinnai RUR98i Mode D'emploi page 70


any water that is contained inside the unit. Unscrew
the water lter(s). Rinse the filter(s) to remove any
debris. Install the lter(s) and open the isola on
Testi g the pressure relief valve should only be
performed by a licensed professional. Water
discharged from the pressure relief valve could cause
severe burns instantly or death from scalds.
Pressure Relief Valve (PRV):
Operate the PRV manually once a year. In doing so, it
will be necessary to take precau ons with regard to
the discharge of poten ally scalding hot water under
pressure. Ensure discharge has an appropriate place
to ow. Contact with your body or other property
may cause damage or harm.
Visual Inspecti n of Flame
Verify proper opera on a er servicing. The burner
must ame evenly over the enti e surface when
operati g correctly. The ame must burn with a clear,
blue, stable ame. See the parts breakdown of the
burner for the loca on of the view ports.
The ame pa ern should be as shown in the gures
Protecti n
Make sure that in case of freezing weather that the
water heater and its water lines are adequately
protected to prevent freezing. Damage due to
freezing is not covered by the warranty. Refer to the
section on Freeze Protecti n. The unit may be drained
manually. However, it is highly recommended that:
drain down solenoid valves be purchased and
installed that will automa cally drain the unit if
power is lost. These are available in a kit,
104000059. (The condensate trap drain plug,
water drain plug, and pump drain plug are not
aff cted by the auto drain down solenoid valves
and will have to be manually opened.)
a surge protector with terminals be purchased
and installed which allows the solenoid valves to
operate if the unit is disabled due to a diagnostic
code. This is available as 104000057.
Winterizati n
These recommenda ons are intended to suggest
prac ces that are eff c ve for winterizing the water
heater. They should be used as a guide only. No
liability is assumed for any issues resulti g from the
use of this informa on.
Shut o the gas to the water heater. It is generally
preferable to shut off the gas service to the enti e
loca on if gas is not going to be used.
Shut o the cold water supply to the water heater. It
is generally preferable to shut o the water to the
en re locati n if water is not going to be used.
Drain the water heater by opening the drain valves on
the cold water line and hot water line.
Open several hot water taps and remove the lter
assembly located in the cold water inlet and the plug/
lter assembly located in the hot water outlet, in
order to allow room for expansion in case there is
water in the lines that freeze.
Disconnect the power supply by either unplugging the
electrical cord or by turning o the circuit breaker to
the water heater to prevent poten al damage from
irregular power surges or interruptions
Place a cover over the vent termina on (intake and
exhaust) if it can be safely accessed. The cover should
be easy to apply and remove. This will prevent
debris, leaves, and small animals from entering the
ven ng and water heater which could cause air flow
issues upon return to service.
KBP Series Manual



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