Diagnosti Codes and Remedies
Defi i on
Power interrup on during Bath
Fill (Water will not flow when
power returns).
Bypass servo
Air Supply or Exhaust Blockage
No Igni on
(heater not turning on)
No Flame
Thermal Fuse has ac vated
Over Temperature Warning
(safety shutdown because unit is
too hot)
Some of the checks below should be done by a licensed professional. Consumers
should never a empt any acti n that they are not qualifi d to perform.
Turn off all hot water taps. Press ON/OFF twice.
Contact a licensed professional.
Check that nothing is blocking the flue inlet or exhaust.
Check all vent components for proper connec ons.
Ensure approved ven ng materials are being used.
Ensure vent length is within limits.
Verify DIP switches are set properly.
Check fan for blockage.
Burner Sensor (see code 31)
Check that the gas is turned on at the water heater, gas meter, or cylinder.
If the system is propane, make sure that gas is in the tank.
Ensure appliance is properly grounded.
Ensure gas type and pressure is correct.
Ensure gas line, meter, and/or regulator is sized properly.
Bleed all air from gas lines.
Verify DIP switches are set properly.
Ensure igniter is opera onal.
Check igniter wiring harness for damage.
Check gas solenoid valves for open or short circuits.
Remove burner cover and ensure all burners are properly seated.
Remove burner plate and inspect burner surface for condensa on or debris.
Check the ground wire for the PC board.
Check that the gas is turned on at the water heater, gas meter, or cylinder.
Check for obstruc ons in the flue outlet.
If the system is propane, make sure that gas is in the tank.
Ensure gas line, meter, and/or regulator is sized properly.
Ensure gas type and pressure is correct.
Bleed all air from gas lines.
Ensure proper ven ng material was installed.
Ensure condensa on collar was installed properly.
Ensure vent length is within limits.
Verify DIP switches are set properly.
Check power supply for loose connec ons.
Check power supply for proper voltage and voltage drops.
Ensure flame rod wire is connected.
Check flame rod for carbon build-up.
Disconnect and reconnect all wiring harnesses on unit and PC board.
Check for DC shorts at components.
Check gas solenoid valves for open or short circuits.
Remove burner plate and inspect burner surface for condensa on or debris.
Check for restric ons in air flow around unit and vent terminal.
Ensure SW5 in DIPSW 2 is in the off posi on.
Check gas type of unit and ensure it matches gas type being used.
Check for low water flow in a circula ng system causing short-cycling.
Ensure dip switches are set to the proper posi on.
Check for foreign materials in combus on chamber and/or exhaust piping.
Check heat exchanger for cracks and/or separa ons.
Check heat exchanger surface for hot spots which indicate blockage due to scale
build-up. Refer to instruc ons in manual for flushing heat exchanger. Hard water
must be treated to prevent scale build up or damage to the heat exchanger.
Measure resistance of safety circuit.
Ensure high re and low fire manifold pressure is correct.
Check for improper conversion of product.
Check for restric ons in air flow around unit and vent terminal.
Check for low water flow in a circula ng system causing short-cycling.
Check for foreign materials in combus on chamber and/or exhaust piping.
Check for blockage in the heat exchanger.
KBP Series Manual