Piping Diagram for Cross Over Installatio
Cross Over Method Plumbing Diagram
Maximum Pipe Length*
(Hot and Cold Water Supply Lines)
Pipe Diameter
Short Loop
Long Loop
(*Take equivalent elbow lengths into
consideratio when calculati g pipe
Thermal Bypass Valve
(Supplied with unit)
The condensate drain pipe (along its enti e length) must be at least the same diameter as the drain line, (1/2
inch NPT). Refer to the Condensate sec on in the ven ng instructi ns secti n of this manual.
3/4"" Ball Valve
Flow Check Valve
Hot Water Fixtures
Drain Valve
Pressure Relief Valve
KBP Series Manual
Flow through Cross
Over Valve must be
less than 0.8gpm.
Hot Water Supply Line
This is not an engineered drawing. It is intended only as a guide and not as
a replacement for professionally engineered project drawings. This drawing
is not intended to describe a complete system. It is up to the contractor/
engineer to determine the necessary components and con gura on of the
par cular system being installed. This drawing does not imply compliance
with local building code requirements. It is the responsibility of the
contractor/engineer to ensure installa on is in accordance with all local
building codes. Confer with local building o
Gas Supply
Cold Water Supply Line
Thermal expansion tank
ials before installa on.