Final Checklist (continu d)
Ensure that hot and cold water lines are not
crossed to the unit and are leak free.
A manual gas control valve has been placed in the
gas line to the water heater.
Ensure that a pressure relief valve is installed with
a rating that exceeds the BTU input of the water
heater model. Refer to the rating plate on the
side of the water heater for BTU input.
Clean the inlet water filter(s) by closing the cold
and hot water inlet isola on (shut-off valves. Put
a bucket under the filter(s) at the bo om of the
water heater to catch any water that is contained
inside the unit. Unscrew the water lter(s) .
Rinse the filter(s) to remove any debris. Install
the filter(s) and open the isola on valves.
If installed in an applica on using thermal bypass
valve, remember to remove plug and replace with
the supplied filter (located within the unit). DO
NOT discard the plug. Plug is to be retained
should the applica on be changed to a dedicated
return in the future.
Purge air from recircula on line.
Check the gas lines and connecti ns for leaks.
Con rm that the gas inlet pressure is within limits.
Con rm that the water heater is rated for the gas
type supplied.
Con rm that the electricity is supplied from a 120
VAC, 60 Hz power source, is in a properly
grounded circuit, and turned on.
Verify the temperature controller is func oning
Verify that SW 2 and SW 3 in DIPSW 1 is set
correctly for your altitude.
Ensure Dip Switch se ngs are properly set for the
desired recircula on mode.
Verify the system is functi ning correctly by
connectin your manometer to the gas pressure
test port on the water heater. Operate all gas
appliances in the home or facility at high fire. The
inlet gas pressure at the water heater must not
drop below that listed on the ra ng plate.
If the water heater is not needed for immediate
use, then drain the water from the heat
Install the front panel.
Explain to the customer the importance of not
blocking the vent termina on or air intake.
Explain to the customer the operati n of the
water heater, safety guidelines, maintenance, and
The installa on must conform with local codes or,
in the absence of local codes, with the Nati nal
Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, or the
Natural Gas and Propane Installati n Code, CSA
B149.1. If installed in a manufactured home, the
installa on must conform with the Manufactured
Home Construc on and Safety Standard, Title 24
CFR, Part 3280 and/or CAN/SCA Z240 MH Series,
Mobile Homes.
Inform the consumer if the isola on valves are
not installed or if a water so ening system is not
Leave the enti e manual taped to the water
heater (indoor models), temperature controller
(outdoor models), or give the enti e manual
directly to the consumer.
KBP Series Manual