4. Make sure that the blade is centered in the blade
guard and that the blade is free.
5. Re-attach the outer sections if you have removed
them during assembly.
a) Hook the fork (A) in the lower edge of the middle
b) Fold the outer section (B) towards the middle
c) Lock with the locking knobs (C).
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6. Connect the water hose (A) from the outgoing water
supply connection on the saw body to the water
connection on the guide flange.
To assemble the blade for flush cutting
In order to cut flush against a perpendicular surface, it
is possible to attach the blade with six recessed screws
directly to the inner blade flange. This must be done
before the saw is mounted on the rail, and is best done
when the saw is mounted on the transport trolley. Adjust
the mounting brackets' distance to the cutting line to
approximately 85-90 mm/ 3.34-3.54 in. from the cutting
line during assembly for flush cutting. A special flush
cutting blade guard should be used for flush cutting.
1. Remove the blade bolt and the outer blade flange.
2. Clean the clamping surface on the inner blade flange
and make sure that it is free from grades.