e) testing may be performed at other modulation frequencies identified by the RISK MANAGEMENt PROCESS.
f) ME EQUIPMENt and ME SYStEMS with a d.c. power input intended for use with a.c.-to-d.c. converters shall be tested
using a converter that meets the specifications of the MANUFACtURER of the ME EQUIPMENt or ME SYStEMS. the
IMMUNItY tESt LEVELS are applied to the a.c. power input of the converter.
g) Applicable only to the device connected to single-phase a.c. mains.
h) E.g. 10/12 means 10 periods at 50 Hz or 12 periods at 60 Hz.
i) ME EQUIPMENt and ME SYStEMS with RAtED input current greater than 16 A / phase shall be interrupted once for
250/300 cycles at any angle and at all phases at the same time (if applicable). The device with battery backup shall
resume line power operation after the test. For ME EQUIPMENt and ME SYStEMS with RAtED input current not
exceeding 16 A, all phases shall be interrupted simultaneously.
j) ME EQUIPMENt and ME SYStEMS that does not have a surge protection device in the primary power circuit may be
tested only at ± 2 kV line(s) to earth and ± 1 kV line(s) to line(s).
k) Not applicable to CLASS II the device .
l) Direct coupling shall be used.
m) r.m.s. , before modulation is applied.
n) the ISM (industrial, scientific and medical) bands between 0,15 MHz and 80 MHz are 6,765 MHz to 6,795 MHz; 13,553
MHz to 13,567 MHz; 26,957 MHz to 27,283 MHz; and 40,66 MHz to 40,70 MHz. the amateur radio bands between 0,15
MHz and 80 MHz are 1,8 MHz to 2,0 MHz, 3,5 MHz to 4,0 MHz, 5,3 MHz to 5,4 MHz, 7 MHz to 7,3 MHz, 10,1 MHz to
10,15 MHz, 14 MHz to 14,2 MHz, 18,07 MHz to 18,17 MHz, 21,0 MHz to 21,4 MHz, 24,89 MHz to 24,99 MHz, 28,0 MHz
to 29,7 MHz and 50,0 MHz to 54,0 MHz.
o) Applicable to ME EQUIPMENt and ME SYStEMS with RAtED input current less than or equal to 16 A / phase and ME
EQUIPMENt and ME SYStEMS with RAtED input current greater than 16 A / phase.
p) Applicable to ME EQUIPMENt and ME SYStEMS with RAtED input current less than or equal to 16 A / phase.
q) At some phase angles, applying this test to ME EQUIPMENT with transformer mains power input might cause an
overcurrent protection device to open. this can occur due to magnetic flux saturation of the transformer core after the
voltage dip. If this occurs, the ME EQUIPMENt shall provide BASIC SAFEtY during and after the test.
r) For ME EQUIPMENt and ME SYStEMS that have multiple voltage settings or auto ranging voltage capability, the test
shall be performed at the minimum and maximum RAtED input voltage. ME EQUIPMENt and ME SYStEMS with a
RAtED input voltage range of less than 25 % of the highest RAtED input voltage shall be tested at one RAtED input
voltage within the range.