Alarms and Notifications
Masimo SafetyNet Alert provides visual and audible alarms when your oxygen level becomes low.
Masimo SafetyNet Alert will also contact your emergency contacts and notify if your oxygen level
drops too low and you are unaware or unable to respond.
Alarm Levels and Messages
To help ensure your safety, a notification escalation policy is provided to establish three (3) levels
of notifications. The level of notification is based on your risk level taking into account your
oxygen level and length of time at a low oxygen level.
Alert Events
Some Alert Events are pre-configured based upon your Option selection. For COVID-19 and Other
selections, Alert Event can be customized by you or on the advice of your physician. See
on page 36 for Alert Event defaults and available settings.
Level 1
Visual Alarm
Audible Alarm Emergency Contact
CAUTION (Yellow) Yes
Not Contacted