Electrical system
Electrical characteristics:14.8 Ohm +/- 5% (at
20 °C - 68 °F)
1. Ground connection
2. Power supply 12V
Left injector: operation for 4 ms, 5 times
The auxiliary injection relay (No. 12 in the wiring diagram, placed under saddle, second relay starting
from the front; CHECK, however, the identification of the relay with the colour of the cables) is energised
for 5 seconds and the grey/red cable of the injector is closed to ground for 4 ms per second. Disconnect
the 4-way connector of the fuel pump to be able to hear the relay and injector activation. The continuity
of the wiring is necessary for correct activation: no error indications are displayed in case of lack of
Left injector - shorted to positive / shorted to negative / open circuit.
Error cause
ELE SYS - 48
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on the intake manifolds
connector: on injector
Left cylinder injection time
Right cylinder injection time
If shorted to positive: excessive voltage has been detected at PIN 13 of the control unit
If shorted to negative: no voltage has been detected.
If the circuit is open: an interruption has been detected
Shorted to positive: disconnect the injector connector, take the key to ON and check if there
is voltage on the grey/red cable: if there is voltage, restore the cable harness. If there is no
voltage, replace the injector.
If shorted to negative: disconnect the injector connector, take the key to ON and check if the
grey/red cable has continuity to the ground connection: if there is continuity to ground, re-
store the cable harness; if there is not continuity, replace the injector
The circuit is open: check the component correct electrical characteristic: if it is not the cor-
rect one, replace the component; if it is correct, check the connector on the component and
the Marelli control unit connector: If it is not OK, restore; if it is OK, check continuity of the
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