Crown pinion coupling
For coupling, proceed as follows:
CHAS - 112
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on the housing; the groove for the circlip on the drilled bolt are not worn, deformed or spoiled;
otherwise, replace them.
Check that the sealing ring on the housing is not shattered or is still flexible; otherwise,
replace it.
That the needle bearing on the housing does not have flattened or worn rollers; otherwise,
replace it.
Check efficiency of every component and that the coupling surfaces of the housing and cover
are not scored or distorted.
Provisionally lock the complete pinion
case on the housing with two nuts and
appropriate spacers.
Fit the corresponding tool on the crown
Insert the tool on the bearing cage in
the housing.
Check alignment between pinion teeth
and the crown teeth.
If alignment is not regular, properly
vary the thickness of the ring between
the pinion and the tapered bearing.
Also check the contact area between
the pinion teeth and the crown teeth,
proceeding as follows:
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