Electrical system
to the PIN marked by the pink/yellow cable: restore the cable harness whose pink/yellow cable will be
shorted to ground
Air temperature sensor - instrument panel
It tells the ambient air temperature to the instru-
ment panel.
Operation / Operating principle
NTC type sensor (resistance sensor, inversely
variable with temperature).
Level in wiring diagram:Temperature sensors
Electrical characteristics:
1. Voltage 5V
2. Ground connection
"---" code that indicates an instrument panel error
Air temperature sensor fault
Error cause
ELE SYS - 54
Downloaded from
under instrument panel supporting
connector: under the start-up lock
Resistance at 0°C: 32.5 kOhm +/- 5%
Resistance at 25°C: 10.0 kOhm +/- 5%
An instrument panel temperature sensor failure is signalled when it is detected that the
sensor circuit is open or shorted to positive/negative
Check the sensor connector and the instrument panel connector (PIN 12): if it is not OK,
restore; if it is OK, check the continuity of the pink cable between the sensor connector (cable
harness side) and the PIN 12 of the instrument panel connector: if not OK, restore the cable
harness; if OK, check the correct sensor resistance: if it is not OK, replace the sensor; if it
is OK, with key set to ON, check if there is voltage at the sensor connector PIN 1: if there is
no voltage, replace the instrument panel; if there is approximately 12V, restore the cable
harness (there is a short circuit in the battery). If there is 5V voltage, connect a 10 kOhm
resistance to PIN 1 of the sensor connector and to the vehicle ground connection: if, with
key set to ON, the voltage measured upstream the resistance decreases, replace the in-
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