13. Troubleshooting
13.1 Status display for charge controller
No fault – charge controller is working perfectly.
Fault – the rotary selector for charging (R1) and/or the core
sensor (B1) are faulty or not connected. No charging occurs.
Fault (only for integral discharge controller).
Internal discharge controller (A2) faulty.
Room temperature sensor (B2) faulty or not connected.
Rotary selector for discharging (R2) faulty or not connected.
The room temperature is regulated to approx. 22 °C.
13.2 What to do if...
The appliance does not warm up.
When the outside temperature is mild, the
appliance charge is too high in conjunction
with a charge control system.
When the outside temperature is mild, the
appliance charge is too high in conjunction
with manual charging.
Appliance does not discharge.
Activating high limit safety cut-out (F1)
Heating element contactor control faulty.
No power supply to the storage heater.
No power supply to the charge controller.
High limit safety cut-out (F1) has
Charge control system settings.
Charge controller functioning incorrectly.
Control signal interrupted.
Set heating curves.
Outside temperature sensor faulty.
Incorrect control signal.
Charge controller settings at the
storage heater.
Fan not functioning.
The fluff filter in the air inlet grille is
Check the heating element contactor control.
Check the MCB/fuse in your main distribution box.
Check the fine fuse between mains terminals X1 and X2.
Check the power supply; see chapter "Power connection" and/or
Reset the high limit safety cut-out (see diagram).
Using the operating instructions, check the parameter settings at
the charge control system.
Check the position of the jumpers at charge controller A1.
Check whether control signal Z1 of the charge control system to
terminal A1/Z1 in the storage heater is active.
Check the parameters set at the charge control system.
Test the outside temperature sensor.
Check the position of the jumpers at charge controller A1.
Matching the setting at the charge controller.
Check whether the room temperature controller has switched on
and whether voltage is present at terminal LE in the storage heater.
Check whether the fans are turning.
Check whether the protective thermostat (N5) in the air outlet has
See chapter "Cleaning, care and maintenance".
ETW 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480 electronic |