The oxygen bottle holder accepts a 4" diameter oxygen bottle . It can be installed at the foot or head end of the bed .
The scale and bed exit systems must be adjusted if this accessory is added when either system is in operation . Refer to
the "Add / Remove Equipment" procedure
Tools Required:
• None
1 .
Remove the lock pin (A) from the holder support rod .
2 .
Insert the support rod into the hole on the I . V . pole holder (B) a the head or foot end of the bed .
3 .
Bring the chain under the head or foot end casing and insert the lock pin in the hole (C) on the holder rod .
Note: The bottle holder installation must be finalized by installing the lock pin . The function of the pin is to prevent the
bottle holder from coming out of its position when an oxygen bottle is removed from it .
1 .
Insert the oxygen bottle into the holder .
• The maximum load capacity of the oxygen bottle
holder is 75 lb (34 kg) .
• Possible fire hazard exists when this unit is used
with oxygen administering equipment other than
nasal, mask type, or half be length tent type . It
is recommended to unplug the unit from the wall
socket when oxygen administering equipment is
used . When using a half bed length tent type,
ensure the siderails are outside the oxygen tent
and the oxygen tent should not extend below the
mattress support level .
Oxygen Bottle Holder - FA64169
(page 1-21) .
28EX-009-001 REV B
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