If liquid is inadvertently splashed on the equipment or its accessories, or may
enter the conduit or inside the monitor, contact local Customer Service Cen-
Measurement Limitations
The oscillometry method has some limitations depending on the patient's
condition. This measure is based on the regular pulse wave generated by ar-
terial pressure. In the case where the patient condition makes such a detec-
tion method difficult, the measured value becomes unreliable and the meas-
uring time increases. The user should be aware that the following conditions
will make the measurement unreliable or measurement time extended. In
this case, the patient's condition will make the measurement impossible:
⚫ Patient Movement
Measurements will be unreliable or can not perform if the patient is moving,
shivering or having convulsions. These motions may interfere with the detec-
tion of the arterial pressure pulses. In addition, the measurement time will
be prolonged.
⚫ Cardiac Arrhythmia's
Measurements will be unreliable and may not be possible if the patient's car-
diac arrhythmia has caused an irregular heartbeat. The measuring time thus
will be prolonged.
⚫ Heart-lung Machine
Measurements will not be possible if the patient is connected to a heart-lung
⚫ Pressure Changes
Measurements will be unreliable and may not be possible if the patient's
blood pressure is changing rapidly over the period of time during which the
arterial pressure pulses are being analyzed to obtain the measurement.
⚫ Severe Shock
If the patient is in severe shock or hypothermia, measurements will be unre-
liable since reduced blood flow to the peripheries will cause reduced pulsa-
tion of the arteries.
⚫ Heart Rate Extremes
Measurements can not be made at a heart rate of less than 40 bpm and
greater than 240 bpm.
⚫ Obesity patient
The thick fat layer of body will reduce the measurement accuracy, because
the fat that come from the shock of arteries can not access the cuffs due to
the damping.
The following conditions may also cause changes in the blood pressure meas-
urement value
⚫ After eating (within 1h), or having drinks containing alcohol or caffeine, or
after smoking, taking exercises or bathing;