set "AWAKE TIME" to 7:00, set "AWAKE INTERVAL" to 15min, then, the de-
vice will make the first blood pressure measurement at 7:15; if the user start
a blood pressure measurement by pressing measuring button between 7:00-
7:15, the device will also automatically start the measurement at 7:15, and
not affected by manual measurement.
After each item of this interface is set, the ambulatory blood pressure menu
also needs to be correctly set to start the ABPM function. Refer to 3.4.5 am-
bulatory blood pressure menu for details.
3.4.2 System Time
Select "SYSTEM TIME" item in [SYSTEM MENU], the following menu will pop
Figure 3.4.3 System Time
Select "SAVE" after completing time setup, time change is successful and
exit system time setup and return the previous menu. Select "CANCEL" to
cancel the setting and return to the previous menu.
3.4.3 Data Delete
Select "YES" in "DELETE DATA" menu of [SYSTEM MENU], after you press cer-
tain key, the following menu will pop up:
Figure 3.4.4 Data Delete
If press "CONFIRM", the common user data will be deleted, press "CANCEL",
the operation will be canceled.
3.4.4 Prompt Setup
Select "PROMPT SET" item in [SYSTEM MENU] to enter its setup interface;