Getting Started
The following sections provide the information needed
to begin using the MTS 6520 VCI including installing the
VCI Manager software, updating the firmware on the
device, configuring connection methods, and communi-
cating with the vehicle.
Installing the VCI Manager Software
The VCI Manager software is installed on the PC and
provides access to the VCIs located on your network.
The VCI Manager must be installed on the PC in order
to configure, update and run diagnostic applications
targeted for the PC. Initially you use the VCI Manager
software to set up the configuration of each VCI. The
VCI Manager is also used to update the firmware on the
VCI. MTS 6520 Software updates are available from the
Bosch Diagnostics OES website. Use the following pro-
cedure to install the VCI Manager software on your PC.
1. Visit the Bosch Diagnostics OES website at the fol-
lowing address to determine if a newer version of
VCI Manager software is available for your device.
If the software on the website is newer than that
included on the Installation CD, download the soft-
ware to your computer.
2. If you downloaded the software from the website,
double-click the downloaded file and follow the
instructions on the screen. Otherwise, Place the VCI
Software Installation CD into your CD drive. [The CD
should auto run and launch the VCI Manager instal-
lation program. If the CD does not auto run, double-
click setup.exe on the root directory of the CD to
start the installation.] The InstallShield Wizard starts
and guides you through the software installation
Robert Bosch GmbH
3. The InstallShield wizard displays a panel indicating
that the program is ready to be installed. Click In-
stall to proceed with the installation. A progress bar
shows the status of the installation. [You can click
Cancel if you want to halt the installation process.
You are prompted to respond if you are sure you
wish to cancel the installation.]
4. The InstallShield wizard displays the Configure
USB panel. You are instructed to power on the VCI
and connect it to the PC using the USB cable. Click
5. Click Finish to complete the installation. The In-
stallShield Wizard places the VCI Manager icon on
your desktop.
Setting Up the VCI Hardware
Your first connection is to the PC where you have in-
stalled VCI Manager software. You will need the USB
cable to configure your VCI using VCI Manager.
Identifying Your VCI
The VCI label is located on the back of the VCI. The
VCI identification number has two parts: a manufactur-
ing code for traceability and a unique serial number.
The serial number is used to identify the VCI in the VCI
Manager software. You will need to refer to this serial
number when you are using VCI Manager to configure
the VCI and perform software updates.
| MTS 6520 VCI | 27
1 699 200 077