1. Assemble:
S Caliper body
Assemblage steps:
S Lubricate the spiral gears 1 on the caliper
body and lever 2 with silicone grease.
S Align the projection mark 1 on the lever with
the "86" mark 2 on the caliper body, screw the
lever 3 counterclockwise to the caliper body.
S Install the stopper pin 1 into the holes on the
caliper body and stationary cover, then tighten
the bolts (stationary cover).
Bolt (stationary cover):
9 Nm (0.9 mSkg, 6.5 ftSlb)
S Lubricate the one way locks 1 1 and 2 2 with
a lithium grease.
S Lubricate the adjusting screw and back up
plate with a silicone grease.
S Insert the back up plate 1 into the lever shaft
hole 2 .