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Deltaplus ASCAB AN071 Instructions D'emploi page 3

Antichute mobile sur support d'assurage rigide


maximum angle of inclination (forward-backward) is : 0°. AN801 :The maximum angle of inclination (forward-backward) is : 15°. ■
PRECAUTIONS: The user must open or manipulate the device only when the risk of falling is eliminated. Touching the sliding fall arrest
during ascending or descending movements may prevent proper operation of the brake mechanism and incur life-threatening risk. This
PPE is not a maintenance system at work: use a maintenance system at work separate from this device. This PPE is not to be used on
a rescue system. The ASCAB must be connected above the sternum by the sternal attachment point of the harness. The harness must
be correctly adjusted using the control gauge in such a way that it is close to the body. ■ RECOMMENDATIONS: For safety reasons
and before each use, check: - that the connectors (EN362) are closed and locked /- that the operating instructions described for each
component of the system are met / -that the anchorage complies to the instructions /- that the anchorage is appropriately installed /-
where applicable, the D attachment is correctly positioned. /- that the device does not show any sign of corrosion /- that the yearly control
of the device is still valid /- that the general disposition of the work situation reduces the fall risk, the drop height and the pendulum
movement in the case of a fall. /-that the vertical clearance is sufficient (free space beneath the feet of the user) and no obstacles disrupt
the normal functioning of the fall arrest system. The vertical clearance is the stopping distance H + additional safety distance of 1 m.
The distance H measured from the initial position to the final position (user's balance after the fall arrest). (See reference table) Check
that there is enough height below the user according to the equipment used. A height of 2m minimum must be left below the user's feet.
Check that the overall layout restricts swinging to a minimum if a fall should occur. ■ Take extra necessary precautions in the climbs
and descents at a height of less than 2 m above the lower parts because there is a risk of touching the ground before total braking of the
device. Indeed, with a mass of 136kg and a situation of fall factor 2, the minimum distance required under the feet is 3m. Check before
every use that the locking system is operational and that the shock absorber is not torn. In case of doubt on the status of the device
(traces of oxidation) or after a fall (deformation), it should not be reused and / or be returned to the manufacturer or a competent person
mandated by them. It is forbidden to remove, add or replace a component of the device and its anchor line without the m anufacturer's
approval. The horizontal distance between the belay support and the connector intended to be hung on the fall arrest harness is 310mm.
It is prohibited to increase or decrease this horizontal distance, and add, remove, replace a connecting element.
working environment ≥ -30°C. Usage limits: ■ Before any PPE implementation operation, set up a rescue plan to deal with any
emergency that may occur during the operation. Metal products and mechanical products (self retracting fall arrest device, sliding, work
on ropes, anchors etc. ...) : Maximum duration of 20 years from the date of manufacture (including storage and use). Textile products or
those containing textile elements (harnesses, belts, shock absorbers etc...): maximum life of 10 years in storage (from date of
manufacture). The shelf life is given as an indication. The following factors can cause it to vary greatly: -Non-compliance with the
manufacturer's instructions for transport, storage and use /-"Aggressive" work environment: marine atmosphere, chemicals, extreme
temperatures, sharp edges... /-Particularly intensive use /-Shock or significant constraint /-Disregard for the product item's history.
Warning: these factors can cause damage invisible to the naked eye. Warning: certain extreme conditions can shorten the shelf life by
a few days. If in doubt, always remove the product for it to undergo either: - a review /- destruction. The shelf life is not a substitute for
periodic verification (minimum annually) which will assess the condition of the product.
CENTRE, VISIT WWW.DELTAPLUS.EU. No modification or addition or repair of the PPE may be made without prior written consent
from the manufacturer nor without using their procedures. Do not use beyond the area of use defined in the instructions for use. The
manufacturer cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect accident after a modification or use other than that provided in this manual.
Do not use this equipment beyond its limits. To ensure its working condition and therefore the safety of the user, the product must be
checked systematically: ■ 1 / visually inspect the following points: /State of the strap or rope: no fraying, no boot cut, no visible damage
at seams, no burning and no unusual narrowing. / -State of the cable: no start of rupture of one or more threads, no folding, no burning,
no corrosion or oxidation, no deformation of the cable stranding. /-Condition of the metal parts: no wear, no deformation, no corrosion or
oxidation. /- General condition: look for any possible damage due to ultraviolet radiation and other climatic conditions / - Correct operation
and locking of connectors .. Specific conditions such as humidity, snow, ice, mud, dirt, paint, oil, glue, corrosion, wear of the strap or
rope, etc..., can significantly reduce the operation of the fall arrest device. ■ 2 / in the following cases: /-Before and during use / - if in
doubt / - In the case of contact with chemicals, solvents or fuels that could affect operation. / - If it has been subjected to stress during a
previous fall. / - At least every twelve months by the manufacturer or a competent organization, mandated by them. In the case of doubt
or if the device was used to stop a fall, it must be immediately withdrawn from use and returned to the manufacturer or any competent
person appointed by them.
manufacturer or a competent organization, mandated by them. This very important check is related to the maintenance and efficacy of
the PPE and hence the user's safety. A written document authorising reuse should be obtained during this audit in order to reuse the
PPE. This document will clarify that the user's safety is linked to maintaining the efficiency and resistance of the equipment. Replace the
PPE if necessary. In accordance with European regulations, the identification form must be completed prior to the first use of the product
and then updated and kept with the product as well as the manual by the user. The readability of the product labelling must be checked
periodically. ■ RISK ANALYSIS : EN353-1: The device is designed to protect the final user against the risk of falls from a height. Risks
against which the PPE is intended to protect covered by a harmonized EN standard: Falls from a height/ ITitle, number and date of the
EN harmonized standard(s): Personal fall protection equipment: Guided type fall arresters including an anchor line - Part 1: Guided type
fall arresters including a rigid anchor line EN353-1:2014 + A1:2017/ Risks against which the PPE is intended to protect not covered by
a harmonized EN standard: Solutions: - Keyed connection/ - Marking. Storage/Cleaning instructions: ■ During transport and storage:
- keep the product in its packaging /-keep the product away from any sharp, abrasive, objects etc... / Keep the product away from sunlight,
heat, flames, hot metal, oil, petroleum products, harsh chemicals, acids, dyes, solvents, sharp edges and structures of small diameter.
Store the equipment dry and clean in its original packing, away from light, cold, heat and humidity and at ambient temperature. These
items can affect the performance of the fall arrest device. Store the equipment dry and clean in its original packing, away from light,
cold, heat and humidity and at ambient temperature. ■ SERVICING AND STORAGE: Clean with soap and water, wipe with a cloth
and hang in a ventilated area to dry naturally away from any direct fire or source of heat, even for items that got wet during use. Do not
use bleach, harsh detergents, solvents, gasoline or coloring, these substances can affect the performance of product. ES Anticaídas
móvil sobre soporte de seguridad rígido. (que cumple con EN353-1)- ASCAB AN071: ANTICAÍDAS DESLIZANTE SOBRE CABLE
Ø 8 MM + 1 AM002 Instrucciones de uso: Esta información debe ser traducida (según la reglamentación en vigencia) por el revendedor
al idoma del pais donde el equipo se utiliza. Esta información debe ser leída y comprendida por el usuario antes de utilizar el EPI. Los
métodos de pruebas descritas en las normas no representan las condiones reales de uso, por lo cual es importante estudiar cada
situación de trabajo y que cada usuario esté perfectamente formado en las distintas técnicas para conocer los límites de los diferentes
dispositivos. El uso de este EPI está reservado a personas competentes, que tengan una formación adecuada o que trabajen bajo la
inmediata responsabilidad de un superior competente. La seguridad del usuario depende de la eficacia constante del EPI, de su
resistencia y de la correcta comprensión de las consignas de este manual sobre su uso. El usuario es personalmente responsable de
cualquier uso del EPI que no se ajuste a las prescripciones de este manual y también en el caso en que no se respeten las medidas de
seguridad aplicables al EPI y que figuran en esta información. El uso de este EPI está reservado a personas con buena salud, dado que
ciertas condiciones médicas pueden afectar la seguridad del usuario, en caso de dudas, consultar con un médico. Respetar estrictamente
las consignas de uso, de verificación, de mantenimiento y de almacenamiento. ■ ADVERTENCIAS: Este producto es inseparable de
un sistema anticaídas global (EN363). El arnés anticaídas (EN361) es el único dispositivo dispositivo de prensión del cuerpo que se
permite utilizar en un sistema de detención de caída. Debe ajustarse al sistema anticaídas por medio de conectores (EN362). En ese
caso deben respetarse las consignas correspondientes descritas en el manual del usuario. Es peligroso crear su propio sistema
anticaídas porque una función de seguridad puede interferir con otra función de seguridad. ■ ADVERTENCIAS: Antes del uso es
necesario leer las recomendaciones de uso de cada componente del sistema. ■ Descripción : El ASCAB es un dispositivo anticaídas
DELTA PLUS GROUP - ZAC La Peyrolière - BP140 - 84405 APT Cedex - France –
Tel: +33 (0) 4 90 74 20 33 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 90 74 32 59 - www.deltaplus.eu
■ PERIODIC REVIEW of PPE: An examination must be performed at least every twelve months by the
UPDATE 22/12/2021
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