The DX18 Timer function allows you to program a countdown
timer or stop watch (count up timer) to display on the main
screen. An alarm sounds when the programmed time is
reached. You can program the timer to start using the assigned
switch position or automatically when throttle is raised above a
programmed position. An internal timer that shows run time for
a specific model displays on the Main Screen.
Telemetry is in both the system setup and the function list so you
can access the telemetry functions from either list.
You must power off the receiver and transmitter, then power
them both on to reset the telemetry data. You can reset min/max
values by pressing the CLEAR button
The Monitor screen displays the servo positions for each chan-
nel graphically and numerically. This is useful to verify program-
ming functions, trim settings, mix directions, etc. The numeric
value is directly relative to the travel adjust and mix values (e.g.,
100% travel adjust equals 100% value in the Monitor).
x-Plus Monitor
Use of the X-Plus Monitor requires X-Plus to be active. The
X-Plus Monitor screen displays the output position for each X-
Plus channel graphically and numerically. This is useful to verify
programming functions, trim settings, mix directions, etc. The
numeric value is directly relative to the travel adjust and mix val-
ues (e.g., 100% travel adjust equals 100% value in the X-Plus
Monitor). The X-Plus Monitor shows the additional channels and
requires servos which can be connected to the optional X-Plus
module and an X-Plus-capable receiver.
CAUTION: Do NOT connect throttle or any primary
control sur face to the X-Plus Module.