Timer Event Alerts
Timer Control Alerts
Custom voice Setup
Switch Change Report
The DX18t Timer function allows you to program a countdown timer or stop watch (count up
timer) to display on the main screen. An alarm sounds when the programmed time is reached.
You can program the timer to start using the assigned switch position or automatically when
throttle is raised above a programmed position. An internal timer that shows run time for a
specific model displays on the Main Screen. A total system timer is also available.
The Timer Event Alerts screen enables you to select an action for each type of alert.
The available options are:
• Inh (Alert Off)
• Tone
• Vibe
• Tone/Vibe
• Voice
• Voice/Vibe
The Timer Control Alerts screen enables you to select Inh (Off), Tone or Voice for Timer Start,
Timer Stop and Timer Reset.
Telemetry is in both the system setup and the function list so you can access the telemetry
functions from either list.
You must power off the receiver and transmitter, then power them both on to reset the
telemetry data. You can reset min/max values by pressing the CLEAR button.
NEVER change Telemetry settings when the aircraft is powered on. There is a brief interruption
in RF output when exiting the Telemetry screen, and may cause a "Hold" condition.
Use this feature to have telemetry read in a certain switch position, current switch position,
or a variety of other alerts such as "Landing Flaps" or "Mix On". Begin by selecting the
switch you wish to use for the spoken alert, then select the desired setting next to
each switch position.
Use the custom voice setup function to set up
custom voice alerts or messages. For example,
with the custom voice setup function you can be
alerted to a switch change report or a sequence
of alerts using the Stepping Events option. To add
a new custom voice alert or command, enter the
Custom Voice Setup function and select Add New
Sound Event with the scroll wheel. Select either
Switch Change Report or Stepping Events.