Manual Menu; Installer Menu - DAB E.SYBOX MINI 3 Instructions Pour L'installation Et L'entretien

Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles
  • FR

Les langues disponibles

  • FRANÇAIS, page 72

5.4 - Manual Menu

In manual operation, the sum of the input pressure and the maximum pressure
that can be supplied must not be greater than 6 bar.
From the main menu, hold down simultaneously the "SET" and "˄" and "˅" keys
until the manual menu page appears (or use the selection menu pressing ˄ or ˅).
Press SET to leave this menu and return to the main menu.
Entering the manual menu by pressing the SET ˄ ˅ keys puts the machine into forced
STOP condition. This function can be used to force the machine to stop.
In the main menu, irrespective of the parameter displayed, it is always possible to perform
the following controls:
Temporary starting of the electropump.
Pressing the MODE and ˄ keys at the same time causes the pump to start at speed RI and
this running status remains as long as the two keys are held down.
When the pump ON of pump OFF command is given, a communication appears on the
Starting the pump
Holding down the MODE ˅ ˄ keys simultaneously for 2 sec. causes the pump to start at
speed RI. The running status remains until the SET key is pressed. The next time the SET
key is pressed the pump leaves the manual menu.
When the pump ON of pump OFF command is given, a communication appears on the
display. In case of operation in this mode for more than 5' with no flow of liquid, an alarm
overheating alarm will be triggered, with the error PH shown on the display.
Once the PH error condition is no longer present, the alarm will be reset automatically only.
The reset time is 15'; if the PH error occurs more than 6 times consecutively, the reset time
increases to 1h. Once it has reset further to this error, the pump will remain in stop status
until the user restarts it using the "MODE" "˅" "˄" keys.
5.4.1 - Status:
Displays the pump status.
5.4.2 - RI: Speed setting
Sets the motor speed in rpm. Allows you to force the number of revolutions at a predeter-
mined value.
5.4.3 - VP: Pressure display
Plant pressure measured in [bar] or [psi] depending on the measuring system used.
5.4.4 - VF: Flow display
Displays the flow in the chosen unit of measure. The measuring unit may be [l/min] o [gal/
min] vedi par. 5.5.3 - MS: Measuring system.
5.4.5 - PO: Absorbed power display
Power absorbed by the electropump in [kW].
If the maximum allowed power is exceeded, the identification PO blinks.
5.4.6 - C1: Phase current display
Motor phase current in [A].
If the maximum allowed current is exceeded, the identification C1 blinks, indicating an im-
minent tripping of the overload protection.
5.4.7 - RS: Rotation speed display
Motor rotation speed in rpm.
5.4.8 - SV: Supply voltage
Present only in some models.
5.4.9 - SR: Supply range
Present only in some models.
Indicates the range of supply voltage found. It may have the values: [110-127] V or [220-
240] V. If the range is not determined, it has the value "- -".
5.4.10 - TE: Dissipator temperature display

5.5 - Installer Menu

From the main menu, hold down simultaneously the "MODE" and "SET" and "˅" keys until
the first parameter of the installer menu appears on the display (or use the selection menu
pressing ˄ or ˅). The menu allows you to view and modify various configuration param-
eters: the MODE key allows you to scroll through the menu pages, the ˄ and ˅ keys allow
you respectively to increase and decrease the value of the parameter concerned. Press
SET to leave this menu and return to the main menu.
5.5.1 - RP: Setting the pressure fall to restart
Expresses the fall in pressure with respect to the SP value which causes.
restarting of the pump.
For example if the setpoint pressure is 3.0 [bar] and RP è 0.5 [bar] the pump will restart
at 2.5 [bar]. RP can be set from a minimum of 0.1 to a maximum of 1 [bar]. In particular
conditions (for example in the case of a setpoint lower than the RP) it may be limited au-
tomatically. To assist the user, on the RP setting page the actual restarting pressure also
appears highlighted under the RP symbol, see Figure 17.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières