Gear shift
①When you ride on the motorcycle and the engine is idling,
disengage the clutch and push the gear shifting pedal down
by left foot fingers to change the gear from neutral to 1st gear
②Gradually turn the throttle twist grip to increase the speed
of the engine to about 3000 r/min, and slowly release the
clutch lever until the motorcycle start to move, with a good
coordination between the two operations of throttle and clutch
to ensure a natural riding start.
③When the motorcycle reaches a balanced state of
running, return back the throttle twist grip and disengage the
clutch again, and then push up the shifting pedal to change
the gear to the 2nd position.
④The gear can be shifted up to 3rd-5th gear position in the
same way.
⑤If you push down the shifting pedal instead of push up,
you can change down the gear position.
Gear down operation
If you want to speed up drastically, for example, when
passing another motorcycle, gearing down can provide faster
acceleration, but if the speed gets too high, damage for the
engine may be caused by over-speed.
Shifting forward
Shifting backward
Blind spot mirrors
Blind spot collisions are one of the principal causes of accidents
in high density traffic. To help broaden visibility,
Fashionable designed mirrors with built-in blind spot windows.
They provide extra range so riders can change lanes with confidence.
Blind spot collisions