Exercise 10: Leg stretch
This exercises stretches your upper and lower legs. Place one
foot on the center of the device and kink downwards as shown.
Place your hands on the knee. Never stretch so far, that it hurts!
Hold the position for approx. 20 seconds and repeat with the other
Good for: Leg muscles, general flexibility.
Exercise 11: Triceps- / Upper leg exercise
Lay your hands on the device as shown and hold your but-
tocks up in the air - hold this position for some seconds.
Good for: Triceps, Thighs
Exercise 12: Leg extension
Lay your hands on the device as shown and knee down
in front of the device (you may use a cushion under your
knees). Extend one leg to the upper rear and hold the exten-
ded position for some seconds. Slowly move your leg back
and repeat with the other leg.
Good for: Arms, shoulders and hamstrings.