3.4 - Insulation and protection accessories
If necessary (e.g. residual risk of hot surface), affix the appropriate visual warning signs also on the external surface of the insula-
tion or of the protection accessory.
Thermoformed insulation
Insulating panels
Condensate tray
4.1 - Commissioning
• Make sure that the heat exchangers do not operate under
conditions that are severer than the design conditions (pres-
sure, temperature, flow rate, fluid type).
• Make sure that the tightening dimension matches that shown
on the nameplate. Never tighten beyond this dimension.
• Open the valves slowly to avoid water hammering and ther-
mal shock.
Sudden changes in temperature or pressure as well as sudden
inrushes of hot fluid in a cold unit (or vice versa) may damage
the gaskets and plates and cause leaks.
• Make sure that the heat exchanger is not subject to vibrations or
frequent short cycles.
• Purge air from the two circuits completely after circulating the flu-
ids. Air left inside the circuits may cause product overheating, re-
duce the exchanger's efficiency and increase the risks of corrosion.
4.2 - Post-commissioning tests
After running the system for one hour:
• Check for signs of leaks. Weak flow rates, however, are nor-
mal during commissioning.
• Check the pressures and temperatures of all the fluids being
• All maintenance operations must be carried out by qualified,
trained personnel.
• The heat exchanger may not be altered in any way without
CIAT's consent.
• As the maintenance intervals depend on a multitude of
parameters (fluids, temperatures, etc.), the frequency of
preventive maintenance is left to the operator's judgment.
Nevertheless, a maintenance inspection is recommended at
least once a year.
• Periodically check the condition of the corrosion protection
coatings and apply touch-ups as needed.
5.1 - Preventive maintenance
• Our experience shows that, when used under normal oper-
ating conditions, gasketed heat exchangers have a service
life of over 10 years. We advise against opening them too
• Inquire about applicable environmental standards and pre-
vailing legislation, particularly regarding the frequency of
checks and what to do in the event of a leak.
• Once a year, test the operation of all safety devices, check
the condition of the insulation, look for signs of external cor-
rosion and test the pressure on the heat exchanger outlet.
• Record all periodic checks and problems in the mainte-
nance log.