Mounting Material
Use plugs and fastening screws with washers that are
suitable for the respective walling conditions - minimum
screw diameter 8 mm.
Installing the U-profile ground runner
• Fasten the anchors (144) to the ground runner parts.
• Lay out the ground runners; the runners for the front part
are marked by a white adhesive label.
• Bend off the ground runner curve (142) and keep in the
right curve with a wire, if necessary (ill. 5.3).
• Screw down ground runners (140), ground runner curve
(142) and ground runner extensions (143) together with the
links (145) (ill. 5.4).
- For very wide doors similarly mount extensions
for the ground runners.
• Use a bubble level to determine the highest point of the
unpaved floor.
• Lay the ground runner horizontally by placing something
underneath - do not fasten with a peg!
Installation of renovation ground
runner (additionally)
- Excessive unevenness of the ground must be
levelled out before installing the renovation
ground runner.
- The ground may not rise in the area of the
extension by more than 0.5 cm.
• Lay out ground runner parts depending on the installation
situation according to figure 5.
- For very wide doors, the ground runner (130)
must be put together from several parts. To do
this, knock the link (131) carefully into the end
as far as it goes and then join the next ground
runner part in the same way.
• Divide the holders (111) over the ground runner extension
depending on the number available and push them on.
• Insert and snap the brackets (110, 112) onto the ground
runner extension (120).
• Join and snap in the ground runner curve segments (113)
as shown in fig. 6.
• Fit the connection part (114/115) at the start of the curve in
the same way.
-On doors without curves the connection part
(114/115) is fitted to the beginning of the ground
runner extension (120) on the brackets (110,
• Join and snap in the ground runners (130), ground runner
curve and ground runner extension (120).
• Hang the additional ground anchors (116) into the curve
segments (113) on the outside of the curve if necessary
• Do not fasten ground runner with pegs yet!
14 (156)
Preparations for
Mounting the Runner Brackets
• Align ground runners to approx. 50 mm to the lintel and
the lateral wall and secure against slipping.
• Slip assembly adapter (360) onto door case and place on
ground runner.
NOTE: For the 2-leaf door use the auxiliary brace
which is part of the supplies instead of the door
• Mark dowel holes (X) and upper edge of runner bracket (Y).
• Join up the markings with two horizontal lines at the lintel
and the lateral walls.
NOTE: If the lintel height is lower than 60 mm the
runner must be attached to the ceiling. For dis-
tance of fastening holes to the lintel see ill. 11.3.
Mounting the Door Case
(Only Single-leaf Door)
CAUTION: During the assembly secure vertical
door case against falling.
Renovation ground runner (8):
• Knock the bottom link (309/310) into the end of the ground
runner on both sides up to a distance of approx. 3 mm.
• Install vertical door case (301) and screw to link at the bot-
tom (309/310). Screw with row of holes B.
U-profile ground runner (9):
• Install vertical door case (301) and screw together bottom
link (160/161) and ground runner. Screw with row of holes
B. The screw (029) must be at the same height as the
notch C.
Attaching the Door Case
(Only Single-leaf Door)
• Align door case vertically and flush with the wall-juts.
• Attach vertical door case.
• Attach upper link (350/351) and wall angle (390/391) to
the door case.
NOTE: Screwed connection with track of punched
holes A or B as for lower link.
Attaching the Runner Brackets
• Mark fastening points for the runner brackets (520) in the
lintel and lateral wall area depending on the number of
available brackets and runner joints.
NOTE: Keep regular distances.
Maximum distance = 700 mm.
In the area of the runner joints and at the joint
spot of the two door halves (2-leaf door) no runner
brackets must be attached.
• Drill dowel holes for runner brackets.
• Align and attach all runner brackets at the upper auxiliary
line. Tighten screws only slightly.