The model U 47 in action
At rest the boat floats in a stable attitude at the waterline, with
only slight residual buoyancy. The model remains in this posi-
tion, floating at the surface, when moving forward at low
When you increase motor speed the boat picks up speed and
dives automatically. The slots in the hull allow the water to
penetrate and run out again freely, so no pump is required.
When the boat is submerged water pressure and forward
speed exert pressure on the mechanic attached to the hydro-
plane control mechanism, and this effects a movement of the
automatic diving system in the aft direction. This movement is
mechanically transmitted to the forward hydroplanes (horizon-
tal control surfaces), with the result that they deflect upwards.
The net result is that the boat surfaces again.
As soon as the screen is out of the water the forward hydro-
planes return to their original position. You can then submerge
again, the duration of the dive varying according to the boat's
forward speed.
The automatic diving system can also be over-ridden with the
rear hydroplanes while the boat is submerged, i.e. you can
regulate the diving depth directly.
If you apply up travel to the hydroplanes it is possible to run
the boat at high speed on the surface without it diving.
Building the model
Please see the separate sheet for details of essential
items not included in the kit.
In general terms the numbering of the kit components reflects
the sequence of assembly; the number before the point indi-
cates the Stage of construction, the number after the point the
individual part.
Please study the plans, the instructions and the parts list to
ensure that you have a clear idea of each stage of construc-
tion before you start.
In the centre of these instructions you will find sheets of pho-
tographs which complement the drawings on the plans.
Please separate these sheets and refer to the pictures when
mentioned in the instructions (F = photograph).
Some parts which are shown clearly in the plan view or the
side elevation are not shown in the alternative view. The parts
involved in the Stage you are working on are illustrated either
in photographs or detail drawings, and in subsequent illustra-
tions they will be omitted for reasons of clarity.
For cutting out and trimming the vacuum-moulded parts we
recommend a balsa knife, scissors, fretsaw, glasspaper
depending on the thickness of the material.
Do not separate the moulded parts until they are needed for
the Stage currently in hand.
Scrap material which is to be removed from the vacuum-
moulded parts is shown hatched-in on the parts themselves
or in the drawings.
After cutting out the vacuum-moulded parts sand the cut
Assembly instructions
U 47
approx. 1700 mm
approx. 160 mm
approx. 290 mm
approx. 9 kg
edges smooth.
Drill holes in the vacuum-moulded components using the size
of drill stated in the drawings.
The identification drawing „A and B" will help you to identify the
die-cut parts. Write the part number on each die-cut compo-
Do not separate the die-cut parts from their sheets until you
have drilled any holes required. Hole positions are punched in
the sheet material, and the hole sizes are stated in the identi-
fication drawing „A and B". For all holes larger than 2 mm ø
start by drilling a 1.5 mm pilot-hole then open up to nominal
diameter in stages.
Do not separate the die-cut parts until they are needed, and
then clean up the cut edges carefully.
Die-cut parts can be sawn out or broken out, but don't attempt
to break edges unless they are straight and full-length. If there
are recessed slots, projecting lugs or corners along the line
this is not possible. Lugs and corners which are shown circled
require special treatment: drill 1.5 mm ø pilot-holes at these
points as this makes assembly easier at a later stage. Saw
neatly right into the corners of all rectangular recesses. Use a
fretsaw to cut into corners of die-cut lines so that the part can
then be broken out along that line. The saw cuts are shown in
the identification drawings as dotted lines.
To help you locate the die-cut parts each die-cut sheet is
assigned a capital letter which is repeated in the parts list and
the identification drawings.
When gluing parts together ensure that punched points are
left exposed and accessible for drilling later.
Do not throw away the scrap material from the die-cut sheets,
rod and wire, as it may be needed later to make other small
Glued joints, especially those involving the vacuum-moulded
hull sections, must be carried out on a flat table, otherwise
there is a risk of distorting the assembly.
Use only the recommended adhesives.
Kindly read and observe the instructions provided by the
various glue manufacturers. All joints involving plastic parts
should be rubbed down with glasspaper before applying glue.
When using Stabilit-Express spread the adhesive out thinly
and avoid thick fillets of resin.
Use cyano-acrylate glue („cyano") for all joints unless
stated otherwise.
Small quantities of cyano can be applied on the point of a pin
or a length of thin wire.
Allow all glued joints to harden fully before continuing with
Soldered joints should be cleaned up carefully, and all metal
parts must be de-greased thoroughly before painting.
Directions such as left and right are as seen from the
stern of the boat looking forward.
Painting the model
Gaps and joint seams between plastic parts should first be fil-
led using plastic filler paste, e.g. robbe-rostuff-Light (Order
No.: see separate sheet). Sand back flush when hard.
Order No.