Preventative Maintenance Checklist
The Impression™ non-powered mattress requires an effective maintenance program, we recommend checking these
items annually . Use this sheet for your records . Keep on file .
Cover zipper opens and closes properly and has no visible damage .
Cover is free from tears, rips, holes, cuts or other openings .
If excessive wear is observed on the cover, it is strongly recommended to replace this cover .
Mattress cover straps are intact and not damaged .
Straps are properly securing mattress assembly to the crib .
Mattress has no visible signs of sagging in the mid section .
Foam and other components do not degrade or come apart .
Flame barrier (if option present) has no visible sign of damage . If excessive wear is observed, it is recommended
to replace it .
Mattress Serial No.
Completed by:
2980-009-005 REV A
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